Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Ya, the track chairs are pretty much for outside use. They are quite a bit longer and wider than a regular wheelchair. He would use the chair he has now for inside and the track chair for outside. It would sure save wear and tear on the reg. chair. That poor thing is almost through it's second set of wheels in 3 years!
Too funny on the hens Jim.
Ok, we have been looking at coop plans. A lot of plans. Ugh
How true is it that hens need 4 feet per bird? Hubs seems to think 4×8 is a little large for the coop especially since they will have a run as well. Do chickens really need 4 square feet.
Too funny on the hens Jim.
Ok, we have been looking at coop plans. A lot of plans. Ugh
How true is it that hens need 4 feet per bird? Hubs seems to think 4×8 is a little large for the coop especially since they will have a run as well. Do chickens really need 4 square feet.[/quote always go bigger...or you'll regret it
Too funny on the hens Jim.
Ok, we have been looking at coop plans. A lot of plans. Ugh
How true is it that hens need 4 feet per bird? Hubs seems to think 4×8 is a little large for the coop especially since they will have a run as well. Do chickens really need 4 square feet.

I think the 4 sq ft is aimed more at caged birds.

Make your coop as large as you can afford to. or as large as room will allow..

If you can have a place for the chickens, food storage, and nests for layers. suspend the nests from the wall. the less things you have on legs the easier it will be for cleaning the floor.
both of my coops are 100% clutter free.
the only thing on the floor are the feeders and waterers and they are removable for cleaning the coop..

my roosts are hung from wall to wall so I can shovel under them easily, too..

In my next life, my coop will have an overhead door so that I can drive right in with the tractor and bucket for cleaning.

Too funny on the hens Jim.
Ok, we have been looking at coop plans. A lot of plans. Ugh
How true is it that hens need 4 feet per bird? Hubs seems to think 4×8 is a little large for the coop especially since they will have a run as well. Do chickens really need 4 square feet.
How many birds do you plan on having? I was thinking 4x8' is really small.

As cw87 said, you really need to go much bigger than you think you will ever need because of chicken math and all sorts of other great ideas you will have in the future. Otherwise you will be kicking yourself.

Also consider winter. The birds will not go outside so they will need a lot of extra room to do their important chicken things and to keep from pecking & fighting with each other. You can always have a storage area inside the coop for extra equipment, food & such that could be moved if you find you are collecting more birds and need the room.

Hi, My name is CC and I am a chicken enabler. Whistle, whistle.........
Sorry Jim. You must have posted as I was typing. I like your bigger door idea. I have thought of that too. Definitely wish we had a wider door, or double Dutch doors.
Hi All!

Head hurts tonight.

Yea, those hard wheels don't last long on rough ground. Neil and I have been through a few sets with our walkers too. He goes through a lot of breaks too!

Night all!
Hi, My name is CC and I am a chicken enabler. Whistle, whistle.........

That literally made me laugh out loud.
I think his logic is, if I only build it so big, my wife can't do chicken math... We are limited somewhat by where we want to put the coop in relation to our neighbors. There was some consideration of converting our current shed, but it is used too much and the way the snow drifts out here in the winter would make getting to it more trouble than it would be worth. I will have to resign myself to 5 or 6 girls only at this point and we both love the Wichita layout.

Another question, how many of you use hardware cloth for your runs? I've seen people use the "rabbit" fencing that has the wider holes and while that would keep birds in, not sure about keeping things out.
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Judge denied daughters petition but it was so stressful to listen thru all the lies and not be able to respond. I do however have to allow more visits. She asked for unsupervised but judge also declined due to past circumstances. GAL said not longer we will just do two a week instead of one. Somehow I don't feel relieved at all as we will be back in court again in a matter of time to keep reliving this nightmare. For now I'm going just be happy knowing Anellia is here and safe.
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