Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Holy rain

Got a message from someone wondering if I was interesting in having her 4 hens for the winter, they get POL every year and then have to find a winter home for them each year. Wondering if it is worth taking them bc of chance of illness and egg production drop. Is this more trouble than it is worth?
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Holy rain

Got a message from someone wondering if I was interesting in having her 4 hens for the winter, they get POL every year and then have to find a winter home for them each year. Wondering if it is worth taking them bc of chance of illness and egg production drop. Is this more trouble than it is worth?

you make it perfectly clear that if they die,, they die..
no liability or fault of yours. if the people cannot agree to this, pass...
it is their lack of responsibility to do this over and over.
and I suppose they would want the chickens back next summer ?? after you care for them through the cold months ?
to me, no deal.

good evening,
I ended up going bowling. although my eye hurt and I could not focus out of it..
I broke 100 only one out of the 3 games.

It was raining when I got home, so no work outside.

DD Barby and boyfriend came here tonight. He installed our new kitchen faucet. no charge. but we gave him 3 gallons of blackberry wine . he will be drunk for the next week, but I don't care; I don't have to live with him,, LOL.

a couple of hens slept outside the coop last night, one was very willing to go back in this morning, since I feed them inside.
I spotted the barred rock pullet in a nest today. I won't have to band her, since she is the only barred I have .

watching Arizona and Jets game tonight. not real exciting unless you pick one to root for..

Hi everyone. Been a while since I've been on...That means I have had no questions until now. So we put our young ones in with the crew back in July, I think, and things were going just swimmingly. But, one of the Buff Roos got HUGE. Is now the king of the flock. But, Big Reds tail feathers are gone and so is the tail feathers of our, what is that eastern state that bird is named after?, anyway, one of the hens. She was one of the first we got. I understand Big Red but wonder why he picks on the hen. We had an awesome little garden this year. But, will not plant anykind of melon next year. Only got two cantaloupe and no watermelon. Had three on the vine but they did not grow more than about a fist size and then they split open....guess that means they got too much rain.

Jim I get such a kick outta reading your post.
Got a message from someone wondering if I was interesting in having her 4 hens for the winter, they get POL every year and then have to find a winter home for them each year.  Wondering if it is worth taking them bc of chance of illness and egg production drop.  Is this more trouble than it is worth?[/SIZE]

Unless you feel you need to add to your flock, I would not take the chickens, either. I also keep a closed flock though because of the possibility of bringing in some kind of disease.

I had a fun night of volleyball last evening (even if we didn't win any games).
Went to my first swap on Saturday...tiny one but found where I will unload old birds and spare roos we wont butcher there... DD and I are looking for some nice 4h good quality clean legged bantams...prefer a little larger than seramas and OEGBs... but open to suggestions. Would love to find some Rocks, Wyandottes or Rose Comb Red bantams...if anyone knows where we can find some, we would love to hatch those eggs! Wish my easter hatchers would all start laying... we are getting some but not all laying. 12 girls and 4/5 eggs is not wowing... Down to 2 roosters...still not sure if I am keeping the cochin roo..he is cute but I don't have any cochin hens for him...need to work on that!
Football was sad this weekend... just a few more weeks of soccer and we will be done with that...then basketball starts/... always something...
good evening,

I got some work done outside.

Annie is digging a milk crate full of potatoes each day.
She picked all of the buttercup squash and has them on a pile for me to go haul up to the house..

She chased the renegade chickens back into the coop, but by the time she got around to the pop door to shut it, the chickens were out and back over the fence already..
can we say, "chicken soup" boys and girls ?

If the hens didn't hide their eggs. we would let them free range..

I really appreciate all of you who use the big font in your posts.. I really have a hard time seeing the tiny print.

Went to my first swap on Saturday...tiny one but found where I will unload old birds and spare roos we wont butcher there... DD and I are looking for some nice 4h good quality clean legged bantams...prefer a little larger than seramas and OEGBs... but open to suggestions. Would love to find some Rocks, Wyandottes or Rose Comb Red bantams...if anyone knows where we can find some, we would love to hatch those eggs! Wish my easter hatchers would all start laying... we are getting some but not all laying. 12 girls and 4/5 eggs is not wowing... Down to 2 roosters...still not sure if I am keeping the cochin roo..he is cute but I don't have any cochin hens for him...need to work on that!

I.just sold my silver pencilled wyandotte bantams that I got directly from Jerry Foley. They would have been great showbirds for your kids. I prefer the cochin personality over the bantam wyandottes.
It's official, we have a hen gone broody. Kicked her off the nest and out the door every time we find her in there. Need to get a wire cage so I can cool her fluffy butt down. She actually had the audacity to growl at me when I poked at her. I don't know when she last laid an egg, seems to have been a couple days so will have to keep track of her closely to see if we can break this. At the end of the night when I opened the pop door for them to go it, I had to shove her out of the box and put her up on the roost. To bad I can't just shove a couple eggs under her....

Beds have the low hoops over them, made the greens get big in a hurry. I still have lettuce, spinach, beets, turnips and some other salad greens in the ground despite the low temperatures. Now it just becomes an experiment to see how long I can keep them going. Mowed yesterday, hoping it is the last time for that this year.

Watching Steve load things into the boat for his fishing trip. Football and soccer are done, and basketball does not start until next week so I get a week off from the extra stuff. Taught 4 classes already this week, have a feeling I will be asked to teach tonight, two more tomorrow and then subbing all day for the business teacher on Friday. Can not wait for Saturday.
Oh BBP...Darn! That is the type of bird I was looking for. Here is the practical mom in me... I really don't want a white bird ( our run is dirt) and prefer clean legged for same dirty behavior. Morgan wants a bantam for the size and control for now. We were told that in our county there is an over abundance of banty Cochins also... well if you hear of any more nice bantams... let me know! The search is on. We will probably show our Spitzhauben also but they are not a recognized breed and she really wants a pure APA birds to work with . Fun stuff!

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