Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I agree Jim, where is everyone????

BigZ has not checked in for a while, I hope Suzie is ok.....

Been car shopping; decided to give VW their Jetta back. Settled on a nice Subaru Outback; now all I need to do it drop the Jetta off at the VW dealer and go pick up the Subaru....... cleaned out the Jetta today.

My phone better quit ringing on Wednesday...... I am really getting tired of the political robo calls and all the surveys.

Everyone must be out enjoying this unseasonable weather.
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Got the flower beds ready for winter. Dug the dahlias and pulled all the stray berry vines. Chicken tractor is doing a great job of clearing off the garden. Washed the windows outside. Filled in a huge groundhog hole that was under the ramp my son uses to enter the house. Almost ready to add some more composted sawdust to the beds and gardens. Have a little winterizing to do on the chicken tractor but the big coop is all set. Got the urge to crochet again so I started on a small stuffed dog for my daughter until I can get to the store for some yarn for a new afghan. Made a huge pot of potato/ham soup for supper. Time for some shuteye.
Fun day yesterday. Drove over to the "Amish Walmart" near Ontario Wisconsin. Made a small purchase but really didn't see everything--I went into "ferret shock" a.k.a. sensory overload and had to leave.

Then spent a couple hours hiking some of the easier trails at Wildcat Mountain state park. One of my favorite places.

Then homewards with a stop at an art gallery in Reedsburg where I was forced to scratch a jolly pit bull's butt for 10 minutes before he released me and let me shop.

Finished the day with leftover Chinese food.

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Drove to Minnesota yesterday on a whim to check out a truck. Well that was expensive. I been looking for a new truck for so long and finally found the right deal so we didn't get home until midnight.
What a beautiful weekend! I, too, spent most of my time outside. We got a good deal on mulch and spent most of the time cleaning out flower beds (including digging out overgrown juniper bushes) and then mulching. It was the first time we put mulch down since moving six years ago, so it was long overdue.
Sounds like a nice drive Mophead and congratulations on the new truck Cory. It is nice to have this extra time to get things done before the weather turns.
good another packer loss evening,
too little too late..

I didn't do too much today. took it easy.
but I did get a couple of bucketfuls of granite into the worst dip in the driveway, just near the road there is a dip and a hump and a big dip. if all goes well, that will be remedied by tomorrow night. my granite pile is dwindling, but it looks like I will have plenty to finish all I intend to do.

all this nice weather is making me dread winter all the more. you know,,,,,,,,it is coming .....

dropped to 8 eggs for the past few days. maybe the threat of becoming a meal has worn off. have to hang Col. Sander's picture up in the coop again..

while looking for some concrete strike off pipes behind the garage, I found the lawnmower that I couldn't find last summer. in fact, I tripped on it in the tangled weeds.

if I find time, I will drag it out and give the carb a good cleaning. it ran when I put it back there, but not real good.

More fun today. House guest and I went out for breakfast buffet, then a bit of hiking at Devil's Lake, then pottered up past the hells I mean Dells to do some hiking around the river.

After that, pure laziness.

I ditto the congrats on the truck.

Jim, knock it off. I do NOT need your help to look lazy.

More fun today. House guest and I went out for breakfast buffet, then a bit of hiking at Devil's Lake, then pottered up past the hells I mean Dells to do some hiking around the river.

After that, pure laziness.

I ditto the congrats on the truck.

Jim, knock it off. I do NOT need your help to look lazy
hiking does not sound lazy to me.. when I was a kid, it was not called hiking. it was called getting from one place to another.
my sister and i were just talking about that yesterday. how we would walk about two miles to the swimming pool in the morning because it was free to get in, swim until they kicked us out and go home for lunch. starving all the way home, because back then it was stressed that you did not eat before going in swimming.

Moved the tractor again today. They are really doing a great job on the leftover plants. I love how they act when they are moved to a new spot. Tore the pool down for the year. Plan to move it to a different spot next year. Then went and changed out the chips in the game cameras. Got a few pics of some nice bucks. Tired tonight. Later peeps.
Moved the tractor again today. They are really doing a great job on the leftover plants. I love how they act when they are moved to a new spot. Tore the pool down for the year. Plan to move it to a different spot next year. Then went and changed out the chips in the game cameras. Got a few pics of some nice bucks. Tired tonight. Later peeps.

a long time ago when I worked in Medford, I passed a house every day that was newly built. when it came time to plant the lawn, the guy fenced off one half of the yard with electric fence. then he put 6 feeder pigs in there and left them there for about a month. at the end of that time there was not a blade of grass or a weed left.. lots of rocks were rutted to the surface. then he fenced off the other half of the yard and did the same thing. all he had to do was pick up the rocks and sow his grass seed.. I don't know what became of the pigs.

I just finished the driveway. I laid down one of my concrete strike off pipes and used it to screed the granite. worked like a charm..

that old maple stump next to the driveway didn't rot away like I thought it would, so I dumped about a half yard of granite over it, now there is a slight mound there, but we can drive over it easily. and come snow time, I can plow over it without hooking onto it..

I have about a yard of granite left, I will use it if a pothole starts to form.. In the meantime I will store it by spreading it thickly in front of the lean-to and using it for a parking pad for Ollie..

9 eggs today..

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