Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I'm checking in to say, "Hi!" after a busy winter here so far - I'm boarding around 30 bunnies and 5 turkeys in the barn along with my own 26 chickaroos, a couple of turkeys and a few bunns.

Just brought my mother back from Florida to stay here permanently. She'll be 90 this year and she decided she should no longer drive. I'm glad she's very pragmatic about things like that so we didn't have to worry about her. She'll surely miss her winters in Florida!

We don't know yet if we will be able to have the gardens this year. The hubs has to have back surgery in a few months and we have no idea how that will affect his ability to help out. He may just have to take an early retirement by one year.

I "ran into" another chicken lady from the outskirts of Weyauwega and I've sent her a link to BYC. Y'all be nice to her!
good afternoon.
I took the carb off of Ollie and re-installed the choke cable.

Now all we need is some sub freezing temperatures so I can find out if all of this fiddling around works.

I was wrong about the dead rooster. closer inspection showed that it was a hen. there are still 3 roosters out there itching for a fight. the half pint is the one who just can't leave the big boys alone..

10 eggs today.

I like these warm days; I don't have to carry water..


Another really nice day outside today...the 2 different flocks that went out today had fun like chickens should in this weather with some new sprouts here and there.

Well dog gone Irish it's good to hear from you and have nothing but the best wishes for your mom... this time in life has been called the golden years by some...not my experience so far with everything that goes on....but I still enjoy the moments blessed to me and suzie....good to see you post and don't forget the small bash coming up the weekend after memorial weekend....it hasn't been talked about yet...so I'll spill the beans for folks that aren't aware that we have a annual get together at Camp... more information to come for folks that care.

Hello fellow cheeseheads and crazy chicken people! Im located in Weyauwega, started a small flock a couple years ago, and currently have 8 chickens. I will be trying my hand at incubating some eggs with the kids in the next week or so. Wish me luck!
good evening,
nothing on TV worth watching and too soon to go to bed.

welcome bambi123 .we were expecting you.

have you ever incubated eggs ?
this time of the year , you might have trouble finding fertile eggs.

what kind of bator do you have ?

on to another subject:
BigZ mentioned the bash, I think this will be our 7th annual bash ?
I missed only one. I will try to make it to the next one.
I used to make breakfast (pancakes) for everybody who wanted them, but due to some complaints about people having to clean up my mess, I don't do that any more.

it is a Friday night to Sunday afternoon affair. plenty of camping facilities, some electric posts for camper trailers
and for us smarter ones, there are two bunk rooms with lots of beds.. (thin mattresses) but there are enough empty beds so that you can steal an extra mattress or two... No bedding..

2 Shower rooms/bath rooms.

raffles and a white elephant contest.

kids balk at coming for their first time, but we have seen repeat kids over the years.

lots more to talk about, , but somebody usually starts a bash thread to hash things over and explain a lot..

Thanks, BigZ! I hope to be able to pop in at the bash this year again. I probably won't stay overnight with Mom at home. Looking forward to seeing you all again!

So...who's going for sure?
Was gonna put the hubs on the plow truck today but I think it'll be too soft and plowing will do more harm than good friday. Might still do it if I feel really ambitious after I get this gutter fixed that broke loose in the wind last week. Gonna be a windy b again this Saturday and I don't feel like having to replace it so it's gotta get done today. Other than that not much on tap for this guy. What kind of chickens are you hoping to hatch out Bambi?
Hello fellow cheeseheads and crazy chicken people! Im located in Weyauwega, started a small flock a couple years ago, and currently have 8 chickens. I will be trying my hand at incubating some eggs with the kids in the next week or so. Wish me luck!

Hi Bambi! Welcome! What kind of chickens do you have in your flock? If you decide to wait to incubate eggs you could join the Easter hatchalong thread. Even if you do set now I encourage you to join the thread. There are tons of experienced hatchers and very helpful people over there. I also recommend you read Sally Sunshine's incubating 101 article. It's great and very helpful. I read it before ever hatching and I'm glad I did.

I'm checking in to say, "Hi!" after a busy winter here so far - I'm boarding around 30 bunnies and 5 turkeys in the barn along with my own 26 chickaroos, a couple of turkeys and a few bunns. 

Just brought my mother back from Florida to stay here permanently.  She'll be 90 this year and she decided she should no longer drive.  I'm glad she's very pragmatic about things like that so we didn't have to worry about her.  She'll surely miss her winters in Florida!

We don't know yet if we will be able to have the gardens this year.  The hubs has to have back surgery in a few months and we have no idea how that will affect his ability to help out.  He may just have to take an early retirement by one year.

I "ran into" another chicken lady from the outskirts of Weyauwega and I've sent her a link to BYC.  Y'all be nice to her!

Wow that's a lot of bunnies to board!!

Sorry to hear about your Mom it's hard. While my parents aren't old enough to have that problem yet my grandparents are. My mother and I spent over four years living with my grandparents and caring for them. My Grandpa has Alzheimer's and has declined to needing to be in an Alzheimer's care facility. My Grandma has dementia that is getting worse. I've moved out but I do still worry about them. My Mom moved out but then had to move back in to care for my Grandma.

DH2B and I make it out there as often as we can. We try for at least one day a week. Cold and flu season of course makes it more difficult.

God bless to you and your mother and good for her for seeing her limits! My Grandma is unfortunately usually of the opinion that she's helping my Mom and that she would be just fine on her own. It made it quite difficult when we were all living together because they couldn't care for themselves but thought they could and we were giving them full time around the clock care.

Still it was by far worth it! I was able to develop relationships with my grandparents that I would probably not have if it weren't for is living there.

Tell your dh when it comes time for his surgery he'll be in all of our thoughts and prayers.

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