Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

My sister and Brother-in-law had one of those underground wire fences for their black lab. They were always patching it because of the chipmunks chewing the wire.
So this is happening......

Congrats on the bear core....yep most are under 200lbs...I bagged 4 so far and sitting on like7 points....I'm in no hurry to kill the fifth I guess....the most fun ones were the ones I shot with a bow at like 10 feet
Kinda funny that I never hit reply core...getting old is less than perfection most days.

Bet these are sad time too bl4, with all the memories .

Not really; we are finally moving to the country!!!!!

I am happy to undertake this new adventure. We will be able to bike into town, go kayaking on a quiet lake, and enjoy nature in our backyard. I will not have to deal with my obnoxious neighbors any longer and we will have room for family to visit.

The best part? The company is moving us!
Pigs are still hanging out in the back yard until the 11th of October. That's the soonest I could get them in once I called. For tonite its packaging bear for the freezer. I got a lot of nice steaks and roasts and a darn big pile of trim for burger. That's gonna be a tasty dinner on the grill this weekend. My buddy makes his back straps whole like a prime rib. 140 degrees and done. That's what this guy's gonna do
Hello everyone and good evening! Hope you all are well!

We lost a chicken this weekend while it was free-ranging. We're thinking a hawk got it. Theo didn't do his job! :(

We've been real busy getting ready for winter around here. Cutting trees, cutting back perennials & the berry patch, planting some last minute transplants, getting the new composter started, and now I've got to process a few chickens, rhubarb & horseradish.

I was wondering if anyone will have fertile orpington eggs for sale for the Easter Hatch? I'd consider rhode isl reds and red stars too. These were all good layers for us in the past, friendly, and not skiddish. The welsummers I hatched out are really skiddish and though I'll keep them for a year, they'll be culled prior to next years winter. What is a good number to keep at a minimum over the winter? Is 2 too few?
good evening,
I watched all the fund raising program I can take. It is a good cause, but I am not one to
watch so much singing..

I skipped working outside in the heat of the day.
I went back out after supper and got one 12 foot wall all nailed together..
tomorrow I will put siding on it and then see if I can stand it up all by myself.


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