Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey everyone...haven't been on here in a while but life is a little crazy with kids and sports. Was our first year doing 4h at fair and dd has a grand champion cockerel bantam. So expectations are high for next year.
We are looking for either show quality Dominiques or standard wyandottes...anyone know of any wi connections?
We can finally show this off!

Still organizing the house; the kitchen is much too small for me (but I knew this), so it is a bit of a juggling act figuring out what I want to keep upstairs and what I want to go downstairs.

Met one of the neighbors today; I am going to assume there has not been a lot of activity at this house in a long time. The lady we bought the house from told us her dad built it. He passed away in 2013 at a few months shy of 100. I let her know that we love the place and he did an amazing job.

I will say, it is nice to finally be in a house that will accommodate our stuff!
Dang bl4, that made my day...you're the best! Suzie wants you to share some more pics of the new place! She said you are teasing us with only one pic!

Will do! I do not have too many pictures yet, I'll upload more as we get things organized....

The boys assembled their beds from IKEA. Mattresses on the way....


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Half time
Pack can't do anything right..

We put up 54 pints of corn into the freezer.
have over half the patch left.
called a couple of people. not much interest.
somebody should come and pick it.
I hate to see it go to waste.
maybe a close-ish neighbor will come ???????

we used 240 cobs. I planted about 800 seeds. so there is a lot left out there.
It takes about 2 cobs to make a cup of cream style ..

I got the first wall standing and braced.

Jim, if it wasn't so far for me I would take you up on that corn.

BL, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that bird "cage". I used to have a green wing macaw. We gave up on the cage and just made him an indoor tree to live in.
Thank you! That is my aviary for our Budgies. If I did not have them contained the cats would have them as a snack. I designed that out of an old China hutch top with the help of my BIL. The interior is lined with dry erase board for easy cleaning, and gives me the flexibility to use suction cups or adhesive hooks for the placement of branches, food, water, etc. It also eliminates most of the mess associated with keeping birds in the house.

I have given the DH until the end of the month to finish his to-do list on the up-north house. We need to get rid of it asap.
Dae, this corn is to die for.
where are you located ?
it might be worth a drive for free corn.
we pick it and toss it into the tractor bucket.
a full bucket is about 4 bushel. that is what we picked for the 54 pints..
something did get a few cobs. I think it was the red squirrels..
just bit through the husk and chewed a little corn. we just cut that part off and the rest of the ear is OK.
supposed to rain today, but I think I have time to frame up a wall before that happens.
I have to cut two windows to fit into the wall, also.
I was going to make them fit between the studs, but now I am thinking it would look better if they were horizontal instead of vertical. takes a little more framing, but I think it will be worth it..
I am down by Richland Center. About 3.5 hours from Wausau. Never know, you might twist my arm into doing it.

sorry, my nephew came and finished off the corn patch this afternoon.

He took the corn to my sister and she has it all blanched already.

she cut it off the cob, put it into big kettles with half and half and baked it in the oven for 45 minutes. I don't know how that is going to work. she never did it this way before..
we blanch it for 6 minutes, cool in water and cut off the cob. put a pint into freezer bags and that's it.
this has always worked for me, so I am not going to change procedures now.

I framed up another wall today. One more wall to go.
first I have to put siding on this one and stand it up. maybe tomorrow if weather permits.

there was nobody here at lunch time so Annie took me to a Chinese buffet for lunch.
it was real good. I liked the black pepper chicken.


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