Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Merry Christmas everyone!

Been down for the count for two days with the flu. Always nice to drive and visit relatives and bless them with a virus.

Exciting news! My sister and her family are moving to Louisville KY! It will be so nice to go visit her!

Nothing else to report, working on getting the hubs a new job. He has been going in at 3am all month instead of his normal 6am; of course they gave him a day off for Christmas, how nice of them. He is anxious to get out of there and get a ‘normal’ job.

Anyway, slowly recovering. Feel like I was hit by a truck.
Merry Christmas everyone!

Been down for the count for two days with the flu. Always nice to drive and visit relatives and bless them with a virus.

Exciting news! My sister and her family are moving to Louisville KY! It will be so nice to go visit her!

Nothing else to report, working on getting the hubs a new job. He has been going in at 3am all month instead of his normal 6am; of course they gave him a day off for Christmas, how nice of them. He is anxious to get out of there and get a ‘normal’ job.

Anyway, slowly recovering. Feel like I was hit by a truck.

:old:hit hope you are over it soon.
Me too, being sick over the holidays is sucky.
Kicking the chicken out to the coop again, weather is warmer and she has been eating. Her presence is no longer a present and the nose knows....
Hi guys I'm a new chicken owner in SE Wisco! I just joined here.

I have 4 of them: an Australorp, a buff Orpington, and 2 Plymouth Rocks. They're still young—only 6 weeks. I read a lot of information online about cold-weather care for chickens, and I've followed all of it... insulated the coop (but allowed ventilation), provided deep litter, etc etc but still, sadly, the little Australorp ("Chickie Minaj") has developed sores on one foot from the beginning stages of frostbite. Poor thing!!! She's convalescing in the warm garage now, in little chicken-foot-bandages.

I'm following advice I found online but still feeling like no one would understand except a fellow Wisconsinite!!!! (shiver)
@jvls1942 what is the final count on the puppies and are they all female?

I have been trying to keep the dogs inside as much as I can since it is so cold out, but our German Shepherd wants out, and wants out now! Only what he really wants is to go outside right now, and for me to go with and throw the ball for him.

Dealing with frozen waterers is a PITA! I didn't have this much trouble last year. What am I going to do when it is February and we get out -30's.

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