Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good luck with the hatch. Hope you have plenty of fertile eggs and few clears.
I'm bored to death with the snow still on the ground here. I need to at least get out and swing the chain saw to eliminate the daily boredom.
Suzie says hello to you bl4.

Stay Safe.... bigz
Wow, that's a lot of indoor cats to keep up with. We have 2 that are in and out cats, but always in during the Winter months. Just 2 cats using the litter boxes is a daily chore. I suppose you really buy a lot of kitty litter. I thought 2 cats was a lot of work, and can't imagine 9 to care for.

How do your cats do with the chickens?
My cats don't even notice the chickens really. They mingle among them when outside daily. The chickens will sometimes scare the cats away from their treats on the sidewalk in back of the house....but otherwise they simply avoid each other mostly.
Nice to see the snow finally start to fade away...not gone, but much, much better....

well, the governor made his decree. now we are obligated to do the things that we were already doing anyway.
I told Annie that I am at the point where I do not want anybody coming onto our property. UPS, mail, paper.
even my brother or sister. they don't come that often anyway. I will not turn them away, I just prefer to be left alone to be a hermit for a few weeks..
Annie made beer soup. she doesn't put much , if any, water in it. it turns out more like a stew.. really yummy..
Checked the eggs today; all 7 are developing..... no issue with fertility here!

Every day we have a happy hour video call with coworkers..... they love to see the chickens. It is a real treat for the city slickers to see the farm critters. 😊
Hi, my name is rAimnel and I've been missing for years now lol
How's everything going here guys? Long time, sorry.
I see BigZ, and Jim :ya
My kids are asking about the bash.
We still have 1 duck who's like 9 now (bigfoot)
Couldn't find eggs to eat because of this crap going on so someone gave us farm fresh eggs and I'm SOOOOO tempted to dig out the incubator :lau
Kids and Hubby aren't any help... They keep encouraging me to do so. :barnie
Anywho Hi again
Hello, I'm Becca and I haven't been on BYC in about two years! I am currently waiting for my 16 chicks to arrive, but they won't be here until July 27th 😭. But I have my 8 hens, 3 white orpingtons, 1 new hamshire red, 1 turken, 1 dark cornish, and 2 dark cornish/white crested polish and my 1 roo who is a new hampshire red/ white crested polish mix to keep me entertained!

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