Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

New chickens sure would think you would get eggs. I am by far no chicken expert. I have been using agrimaster since I got chickens and do not have any problems with it. Occasionally I switch depends on sales.

I like that feeder from premiere.

My ports came today and I think the roosters will have problems.
I thought i would get more eggs to. I just stay on the feed depending on how much the stores have and what i can get. I hope you can get the ports to work
Note> This is a new flock that I got as chicks this summer. Started laying this fall.

Feeding layer pellets from Fleet Farm - their cheap one, Sprout. And kitchen scraps - stale bread, carrot peelings, watermelon (a friend had one freeze in his car after he frogot it overnight) and I sprout wheat berries for them.

No heat in the coop, just a water fount and metal heater base. The twin wall fount usually will freeze up during the minus temps, so far so good this winter. No freeze-ups. I have a couple of the waterers so I can switch them out.

@jvls1942 I have a couple of the galvanized fonts with pin-holes in the bottom. I looked into the JB Weld last year - it is extremely toxic and not food safe at all.
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Looks like its going to be a nice day outside. Feels like spring, but heard extremely cold weather is on its way.
Next 10 days extended looks good.
Is it possible you have some late layers. Just not producing yet. I know last month or so couple more hens came on line, but they are brahma or brahma mixed with Australorp. Brahmas can take up to a year before they lay or so I have read.
Next 10 days extended looks good.
Is it possible you have some late layers. Just not producing yet. I know last month or so couple more hens came on line, but they are brahma or brahma mixed with Australorp. Brahmas can take up to a year before they lay or so I have read.
I know all of mine were laying before winter. I did get a egg today! Its like they dont lay if its below 20 degrees if its above 20 ill get a egg. Except for when we had those super brutally cold temps before Christmas, because my australorp, cinnamon queen, buff orp, and brahma layed, the SLW was going through her molt late.

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