Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

We weren't sure what it would take the 1st year that we decided to do this but we had the taps from DH's parents and the internet to look up information on. We only have 4 trees so it is a very small operation. This is the 4th year that we are doing this- we didn't have a good year last year as the weather got all mixed up so we only had a very small batch, the year before we made 53 half pint jars. The longest part of the whole process is boiling down the sap-which we do outside because of the large amount of water that has to be boilied off. We collect for a few days and try to make it to friday night before starting to boil, once we get the sap boiled down close to temp then we bring it into the kitchen and finish it to temp and than strain it through cheese cloth and put it into jars.

Have a good evening!
saw the turkey hen yesterday, I really think she's on eggs, back behind the barn somewhere, last year it took me over a week to find the nest and there wasn't any snow at the time
I only have a minute here,. Mom is upstairs watching TV..I can't convince her that it is bed time..

How long is the incubation time on Banty chickens ?
I cannot find my incubation time chart..

I got the hatcher temp and humidity all set and turned it off..It will be turned on again next wednesday..

I visited the incubation threads earlier today.. I did not respond to any, just read them.. same questions over and over.. I was not in the best of moods today, and I would have been giving smart alek answers.. LOL

I want to say "Hi" to chillin with my peeps.. I talked to Alex last night..
Been a busy week at work, but today's (my) Friday! Congrats on the new eggs, new home, and new rival all!

Set 2 dozen LF Lavender Ameraucana eggs today, hoping for a successful hatch! Got 16 BBS/Cuckoo Marans eggs incubating currently due on the 11th, looking forward to seeing what pops out this time around. I've gotten splash cuckoo, blue cuckoo, and regular cuckoo so far out of them. The splash cuckoo cockerel is gorgeous with lots of leg feathering and he's BIG. He's looking forward to a new position in the Marans flock this season when I replace one or both of the current roosters.

Think I'm going to end up way male heavy in my hatch of bantam lavender Ameraucanas (4.2) and B/B/S Silkies (4.1). Do chicken people use that annotation, too? Don't really know, we use it in the reptile world across the board. 0.0.0 (males.females.unknowns)

These Silkies are just gorgeous already, can't wait to see them mature. Going to be sad to have to place several of them, but won't be keeping all the males. Got 2 splash, 2 blue, 1 black I believe. They're much prettier and typier than the two silkies I hatched earlier in the year (a buff and a white). We'll see how they all mature out.

Anyway, just wanted to stop in and say Hi. Don't get to do much during my work week, but enjoy catching up on the weekend.
Good Morning Everyone! Oh BBP that's just so sad about the losses!
Hope you can get your flock back up to where you want it. Seems there are some new people joining us, would have to look back for names so
!!! Took yesterday off due to waking up at 1:30 AM. Went to bed at 7. Not a good thing. Going to get some work done then shower and go man shopping for the counter top, sink. and few other things. Never cut a counter top before but read about it.
Need to get out back and bring in some wood before this next snow. The temps are creepin up, it's comin good people!
good morning all.,,
I am waiting for the first rising of the dough.. I am trying to make some sticky buns.. I should have read the recipe closer before I started.. It turns out i mixed up enough for 2 cakepans full.. that's what happens when you are reading several recipes at one time to decide which one to make.. LOL

I decided to make one pan of pecan and walnut cinnamon, and one pan of just plain caramel cinnamon.. Ken doesn't like nuts..
Ken is our resident old guy that we take care of.. they sent him to us 5 years ago so he could live out his remaining month or so..
They do not know Annie.. she fixed him up with new teeth, glasses and hearing aids.. lots of good home cooking and tadaaa!!!!!!! when he got here he weighed about 115 pounds..
last week Annie bought him a new pair of bluejeans,,,40" waist........LOL

how long do banty eggs have to incubate?? I have 6 in with the regular chicken eggs.. do they take the same amount of time??
Good morning! I like that you take care of the "oldsters" too Jim! That is great that you gave Ken a new lease on life! How old is the man? Maybe you should bring them all to the chicken bash! THen everyone could watch the littles and the olds interact! (and we would get no chicken talking done!)
I guess we have coyotes here too...the Crawfish is right in my backyard...if only the guy next door would sell me the 80 acres behind me! I so wish...anyhow, I can hear them sometimes at night but have not seen them. THe only large pred I have seen is a fox. It was comical--I was in the house looking out the window and there she was, drinking out of the washing machine puddle with my ducks!

Today I am cooking at the retirement center again...Italian sausage sandwiches with German potato salad and baked beans--mini eclairs for desert. I just went through the recipe and found all the additional stuff I need to bring from my kitchen. The shopper doesnt buy fresh parsley or a lot of the spices...or onions! How can you make a dish that calls for 1.5C of onion and NOT put it in? Speaking of cooking; I would like to show off my very first loaf of GF bread!

I am pretty proud of myself cause on the forums everyone is saying not to get your hopes up for bread--it is so difficult yada yada yada. It was very easy...just that there are way more ingredients to add than wheat type bread. Anyhow...it was delicious with my pulled turkey and butter! Now I have to get another toaster so I can have it toasted! And bread crumbs....and not I can make fried, breaded chicken YEAH!

I heard the cranes coming back yesterday...spring is not far behind. I am so excited to start growing things again! Set chicken eggs last night and candles guinea and turkey. Not sure what I was seeing though. THe air sac looks the right size for the age but all I saw in there was a dark band under the sac and then the bottom was kinda clear. Nothing like the veining pics I have seen on here. I put them back in....
Gotta run! Hi to everyone and have a fantastic day! Terri O

ETA: Man that is one blurry bread!!!!!!!
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OK, this might be a little bratty because I don't make it out here very often and post even less often, but...

My DS is part of a small group of 7th graders working on a community service project
about invasive "alien" species (specifically buckthorn). They have started a blog and our looking for followers. They have been doing there best to spread the word and have asked their families to get involved in their grassroots effort.

Please visit the following and consider becoming a follower. They have done so much research and just want to spread the word.


Mom duty done

Still love to poke around out here and glean wisdom and support from all of you! Thanks!
If by this you mean bantam eggs, ours hatch out at the same time our LF eggs do-day 20 is what our hatches are popping out at and if anything hasn't hatched by the end of day 21 they have been duds.

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