Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

WIChookchick- There is a ranch/rescue in the Reedsville/Whitelaw area that my sister works for. They are always willing to take in horses and my sister gives them rave reviews. They keep the animals forever unless someone that works there decides to adopt them. All they charge the adopter is the cost of any accumulated vet fees. Then the horse can stay on the property if they want or they can move them off to their own place. If you are interested I can give you my sisters information and she can tell you more information. She works at the local humane society and a local vet clinic plus she volunteers at the ranch so she is pretty busy but she is good about getting back to people.

Also if anyone is ever interested the ranch also takes in ANY unwanted barn animals, ducks, chickens, sheep, etc. They even take unwanted roosters and let the free range and live out their lives.
Jim, sure hope you found that little bird!

I forgot to mention this before. LOL.... I had a slave yesterday! When my son's friends kids are extra naughty they have to come here to do extra dirty/hard chores! I got the brooder cleaned. The nest boxes cleaned. The straw tracked through the non coop area cleaned up and the chicken hospital room cleaned up! Worked out great because all were suppose to get done this week but since I hurt my wrist it wasn't going to happen. I kinda like when they get extra naughty. hehehehehe Last time one screwed up they had to move and stack almost 2 cords of wood! I told them there's lots of weeding to do ..... just in case;)
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Question for the hatching guru!

Ok Jim; how long between the internal pip and an external pip????? The 5 remaining eggs have all internally pipped almost 36 hours ago; when should I start to intervene? These would be Call Ducks, and from what I have heard they can have hatching difficulties

Did some shopping with the girls this morning; getting 'stuff' for our trip (more like breaking the bank!), we needed swimsuits, towels, band-aids for the boy's toe...... junk like that.

So, now I am just sitting here hoping I have more baby calls for the rest of you by the end of the week. I would hate for all of them to get this far and die........ it was so sad with Jules' nest having those 3 babies that pipped and died.....

I see we have gotten the rain somebody wanted....
Hot afternoon everyone! Anyone working out side be careful and drink lots of liquid.... I have to go and refill a couple of waterers but won't be out to long unless I go work in the garage staining doors....

Got my paperwork done last night and just need to finish getting it ready to send out- always a pain at the end of each month!

Had to take my car into the dealership today as the engine light came on again, DH had taken it over to one of the parts stores that reads the computer and it came up with a bad cam sensor......so I took it in. Come to find out the timing chain wore prematurely and needs to be replaced so my car is at the dealership and hopefully will have it back late tomorrow or early Thursday..... but on the good side it is covered under a service notice and it also covers the loaner car that they set me up with....DH was hoping they would let me test drive a Chevy Silverado HD duramax
and DD thought that the yellow corvette on the show room floor would be cool- never mind that it was a 2 seater
she told me where her brothers could sit
When it was all said and done I am driving.... ready for this... a white chevy traverse with IN plates!!! Our car is a maroon traverse!

Off to check waterers!
I emailed him too, He wants $500 for all of it which I think is way to much. Could use some waterers but it wouldn't pay to drive that far.

I'd like to see a picture of the side view too. I thought I had all hens and most of mine turned out to be Roos. Some were alot slower to mature then others !!
I vote pullet

FT, I called him and will be getting some things
If you really want a couple items I can up my offer and you can get them and pay me back later. He works in Green Bay, so not too far for me.
Thanks, but it wouldn't pay for me to drive to get them. Are you getting the incubator too???? Now you'll be like me and Jim !!!
Looks like he had a few nice waterers. Make sure they don't leak or have cracks before you buy them. I see he had the water heaters. Those will come in handy !!

Well, I have two out of 4 guinea eggs from my flock that hatched. One is pipping and the 4th one hasn't done squat yet.

Just called about our two tillers that are in the shop (thanks to Jim constantly talking about tilling I remembered ours are still in the shop ) and our are CLOSE to being looked at !!!!! What the .......................................

Can't really start screaming at them since it is such a small town, wouldn't want to get a reputation

So I asked if he could at least look at the small mantis so we can go between the rows !! They said should be by the end of the week for that one, of course unless it needs parts
So should have them ready for NEXT YEAR I guess

ET is planting more potatoes today. Yes the ones that we had in the truck at the Bash !! Good thing we got rid of some at the Bash or he'd have even more to plant !!

Someone called me about my ad on CL. He has a brand New Forecart, never used. Looks like I could save a few bucks with that one but I'd still need the shafts to drive my single belgian. Don't want to test the cart out with my team of spotted drafts first

Would you believe this is my third attempt to reply to some of the posts today !!! My little pinky fingers keep hitting ?????? keys and PUFF it all disappears !!! Funny how powerful the little pinky can be, even more so then the middle finger hey

So I had better hit the send buttong before I lose it all again !!!

Oh and I say Rooster !!! Look at the saddle area and hackle area. Hey I could be wrong but I've got 50% chance of being right !!
Feel on it's legs where the spurs will be, if it is a roo you might feel tiny bumps.
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Make sure you have the humidity high enough so the membranes don't dry up and they stick to the shell. Never hatched ducks before but I have tried to help out chicks that I thought needed help only to find out they weren't ready and they hadn't absorbed the yolk yet and I've had them overdue and stuck to the shell !!!
It's a tough call to make. Depends on alot of circumstances. "The Book" says not to help them out but that is so hard to do. I'd give it a good 48 hours before you think about helping. Then you may end up sacrificing a duckling by helping but then you'll have a better idea of where you stand for the rest of them, if not for the next hatch . Hope by the time you read this that the little ones are well on their way to hatching out healthy little onesEdited to add this.

Edited to add this: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=491013
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Hi all! Had a wonderful long weekend in Rhinelander at my parents cottage. The weather was so nice!! We were all talking about it and how none of us could remember a 4th weekend when it didn't rain. The lake didn't help with keeping the temps down though. My kids spent their days in the water, while the rest of us sat around and did nothing. Gosh was that nice. Of course worried all weekend about my place and how the animals were doing. I had babies hatch while I was gone too. 6 total, 4 for one mom and 2 for another. They are good moms so far. Tried to keep up with everyone while I was gone, but failed. You guys just talk way to much!
Wcc- I tired to talk DH into taking your horse. DD15 wanted him bad, kept talking about it. She wants to do endurance, but her horse really doesn't have what it takes to do it. I'll keep my ears open if anyone I know would like him. Well Im off to get pizza for supper. It's only DH and me tonight all the girls are at the other parents houses. Not that I don't love my kids but it was a long weekend.
Have a good night everyone!

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