Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Daaaaaaaaaaaa Bearssssssssssssssss
Bears fan but pulling for the Packers at this point.......good luck cheeseheads on a back to back!
Glad you stopped by mj...nice venzun pic...was he good eaten? Maybe next year for da bears...sounds like they fired Mikey Boy, eh! Yep heads fly without winning.

You coulda left the trifecta Angie. Couple pages later no one would notice.

Good to hear the weenies taste good Tomski. Never knew Marines drank light beer

Nice pic of the kitty CC. We have one that loves the heat too.

Nice fish and OM pics FT. I think you should give up the secret fishin hole. We'll only keep a few.

Evening all !!!

I'm so excited !!!
I set some Paint silkie eggs on the 16th of December and wasn't keeping track !!! They are due Friday but I have some pipping today !!!! I had to hurry up and clean out another incubator for the hatch !!! Now I have to get the nursery ready !!!
Four out of the 12 are pipping !!! One of the twelve is a Bantam Dutch !!
Guess I shouldn't get to excited yet !! Hopefully they hatch out the Paint color that I'm breeding for.

Wcc Yep I meant Tip Downs, I'll post you a picture or link, better then trying to explain. Ok, well I'll try. You use a jig pole (I think that is what they call it) and you put it in a very simple to make wooden holder that balances the pole. When you have a bite the tip of the pole goes down, Tip Down !! So it is not like the tip up's you normally use.

Tomski, Yep they got the Diablo up and running. My nieces husband took the time to work on it last weekend while they were up at the cabin and my 17 yr old nephew helped him. That was nice since my brother (his father) is no mechanic.

Wcc, was wondering when someone would comment on my avatar !!!

Well, I've been waiting for blue eggs from the Ameraucana's I got from YOU JIM !! and when I went out to investigate the Cuckoo Maran Rooster that the neighbor suposedly put in the greenhouse I saw this splash rooster !!! I took a double take thinking the neighbor gave me a splash rooster of who knows what breed. Then I looked for the splash Ameraucana hen that I got from Jim and it was no where to be seen, well turns out the hen is a Rooster and there is no Cuckoo Maran Rooster out there !!! I got on my knees and looked every place, under around flower pots everywhere and there is no new chicken in there. I will look again tomorrow but holy cow if that splash is from Jim it sprouted the hackle and saddle feathers within the last week or so ??????? Weird is all I can say !!!
I'm going out there again tomorrow and I'm going to call the neighbor too. Wouldn't surprise me if her is just pulling my leg (to put it mildly) Or that he purposely gave me an extra rooster knowing I wouldn't kill it.
So where ever that rooster came from, he is a nice looking rooster. But if it is from the neighbor then where is the splash hen from Jim ??? Puzzling !!!

I've noticed too that we are missing some Cheeseheads. Hope they are all ok !!!

BBP those calls are adorable !!! Good thing I don't have room for more ducks or I would want eggs too !!!

Ok forgot what else I was gonna say. My thoughts focused on my little pippers !!! Gotta go check !! Good think I bought extra bulbs for my candler. I use it to spy on the pipping eggs too !!

Hey all !!!
1 down 10 to go (one being a dutch bantam)

I got a little white chick
that could very well be a paint !!! It hatched sometime between 8:30pm and 11:30pm tonight. Not due until Friday. I have 4 more pipping !!!! So should wake up to some more I hope !!!
I have no Idea where I'm gonna put these little buggers !!!
I was pulling a Jim thing and totally lost track of my staggered hatch !!!

This little guy is so cute and so vocal !!! Jim you might be on to something. Just like Ron Po-Peel !!! "Set 'em and forget 'em" !!! LOL This little guy is strong. Must be cause he was turning in the turner until the last day !!!

See, told ya DrHa, my best hatches are when I'm not hovering over the top of the bator !!!

Now we'll just have to wait and see what comes next.

It is a good thing that the chick hatched out white. I have two black chicks in with a paint rooster (White with black spots, like a paint horse). The white chicks are the ones that will have the paint coloring if they are going to have it !!!!


Now it seems that the hens quit laying
BUT I set 9 lavender split silkie eggs and 2 more dutch bantam eggs tonight !!!

Oh now I remember what I was going to add: CC your orange kitty is adorable !! I never had an orange cat !!! They never found me or I would have given them a home !!! Hope you don't make the poor guy wear that santa suit all year !!!!
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prolly my last post tonight.. the goslimg po.pped out of it's shell at 9:25PM.. I just happened to look in at him just then before heading upstairs..

Yup, tip downs.. very good for light biting fish.. I prefer to jig by hand, however..

BBP, now I have something to look forward to.. it looks like the incubator will not be turned off anymore this winter.. I have goose eggs going until Feb 4.. then I am going to start on the chicken eggs, well, maybe not for a couple of weeks after the goose eggs are finished....

I tossed all 13 of the first layed goose eggs tonight.. actually I boiled them.. they were all clears except one.. I boiled that one also..

While I'm sitting jigging by hand I can watch the tip downs out my Ice shack window !!! Which needs new curtains btw !! Was thinking outdoorsy type but maybe some nice rooster curtains ???

Hey Jim, when you're done setting goose eggs throw me some of those Seb goose eggs hey ??

How far along was that one ?????? YUCK !!! They say you can eat the clear incubated eggs. I've cracked them open after the 7 day candling and the cooked the clear ones for the chickens. Did learn the hard way though to crack them in a separate bowl, not into the bowl of good eggs !!

Wonder how many times I'm gonna have to get up to check my bator ???? It's going to be a long night !!!
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Hi All,
Cool seeing all the faces in the Avi's! I would post mine but can't seem to find one
I'll have to see if one of the kids have one of me. I take real bad pics. Oh well, not so hot in person either.
Where do our "looks" go?

Tomski... Thanks for the info... I'll tell DH!

BigZ... my 2nd son was a Marine... he drinks light beer... says less to slow 'em down!

Well, DH said when he went to feed the chickens this morning Isis (the kitten) went out too. It was just before light and an Owl tried grabbing her!!!!
She's OK
Sure am glad it's getting lighter out again!

About 11am my youngest called and asked "Mom, you got some roosters you don't want, right?" A friend of his was looking for one. He came over about 12:30 and I showed him what I had and the good and bad of each. Seems something broke into his coop about a week ago and killed 2 hens and his rooster. He said it looked like he put up a gallant fight but lost. Now his hens stopped laying. Told him it was probably the stress from the attack. Anyway he took the Cochin Roo. Cool, cause I was reluctant to butcher him. So he goes to a new home with a newly renovated coop (hopefully predator proof) and about a half dozen hens all to himself!

Guess that's it.. night all!
Hey Cind !!!

Glad to hear the kitty is ok !!! Wow, close call hey?
Also glad to hear you found a good home for your rooster !!! Wish someone in this neck of the woods would want a rooster or two or three or ..................... for a pet or mascot !!

I was wondering the same thing about looks !!! Oh where oh where have my good looks gone ................. Oh wait I know, they were replaced by common sense !!!

You have noticed that it is you young good looking ones that have posted their pictures !!! You're not included in the young part Tomski !!!

I can't find a picture either, I'm the one that is always taking the pictures..... Of everyone else !!!

Ok, well time for bed. OM said he would get me up at 8:30am so we can discuss the chicken nipple waterer plans !!! I really hate the hours he is working !!! We have no time together to get the important stuff done like chicken stuff, horse stuff etc. When he gets home at 8pm or later he doesn't want to do anything because it is to late but then he'll sit up and watch the tube til 1am

Oh well, tomorrow is another day to accomplish nothing !!!

Good Night all !!!! Sweet dreams !!

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