Witchcraft thread

Romans did use evergreens yes. Yule is a Scandinavian thing, was not celebrated on the winter solstice and did not involve trees in the home. Yule was on the first full moon after the first new moon after the winter solstice, so sometime in January. It was for a good planting season. Christians stole it first and moved it to the solstice since it was the Roman Catholics, ie Saturnalia became the birthday of Jesus. Pagans love to claim that the xtians stole this and that but the pagans are just as bad. Makes me cringe.

Also, how did the Celts decorate with lights? They had electricity? Christians used to decorate poles with greens, but the Germans were the first to have such a tree in the home. It is a Christian thing, not a pagan one.
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I think you're reading too much into the term lights, it could mean anything such as candles or fire ect it's been going on throughout ages so what once meant light years ago could have meant something very different then it means today. Yule originated with the germatic people. The festival typically lasts for 12 days, beginning on December 21st, the day of the winter solstice, and ending on January 1st, known as the yuletide.
I despise my future mil that mooches off us and lives in our basement, she's 60 and nothing is wrong with her aside the fact she's lazy and doesn't want to be responsible for herself financially. Too passive agressive 🤣🤭

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