Witchcraft thread

If only i could have an alter that big!
Mine is just cramped above a mirror with a desk
I didn’t start off like this! I have been pagan for over 20 years so I’ve had time to collect and make space. Initially my ancestor altar was a small shelf with a skull, a candle, a tiny vase and an incense burner. The bottom part of my current altar is where I grow hydroponic lettuce and strawberries, so it’s just what space I have to work with.

I have a separate area above my sink in the kitchen for the house spirits that’s very simple, just a candle, a bowl and a glass of water on a placemat. I have a rock pile outside where I leave offerings for the land spirits. The rocks are from my yard, nothing special. My altar, where I perform ritual or celebrate holidays, is four concrete blocks with a large stepping stone on top out in my yard. Super simple.
Could you elaborate more on the ancestor altar? Is it for specific things, or just a way to honor the ones that have passed?
It really does depend on what you believe, and beliefs change over time. It can be to honor our ancestors. Some people believe their ancestors can bestow blessings and so they leave offerings. Some people believe they can contact their ancestors for help with life; like if you can’t still talk to your parents in this plane, perhaps talking to their spirits will get you the help you need. Some people believe in a spirit ancestor. Not someone related to you by blood, but someone that you feel a kinship with on some level. I have Buddha on my altar for this reason.

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