Witchcraft thread

I think it’s really important to acknowledge this too. I did a bit of study about the witch hunts in university. Fascinating, and terrifying. The whole drowning in a cage for example — if she floats, she’s a witch and must be executed. If she drowns, she was an innocent woman.

A lot of people who were “different” e.g. left handed people, people who have what we now know to be autism — were also targeted. One of my favourite authors Hannah Kent wrote a book called The Good People which is set in 1800s Ireland which explores this sort of thing. There’s a little boy in the story who has what we would now consider to have some sort of thing like autism or epilepsy but they think he’s a changeling from the faeries.
Sounds like an interesting read. Based on what I know of that era I can believe things like that really happened.
From this (a little over 13 inches)
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My hair refused to go any lighter, so we'll try again at my next appointment. She said that red, green and black would be good colors to mix in, but I think she was also thinking ribbon, not stones
@JacinLarkwell, that looks sharp! :thumbsup

Isn't it neat to see the growth directions in hair when it's super short like that? Some areas grow toward your face, some down toward your neck, some to the left, some to the right, some spiral.
I looked like an anime character immediately after the first chunks were taken off. It needed to be wet down with the bleach before it calmed down enough to look normal

I'm thinking of growing mine out again. It went to the bottom of my lower back at one time. Had to get it cut as it was becoming tedious to braid it all the time. For sleep, for daily chores. Even now it's back to below my shoulder blades and I keep it up most the time.
Mine was always bunned* or bonneted to keep it from immediately taking after a rat-king. I have to learn how to braid agaim, i lost the ability years and years ago. Thankfully my gal was awesome enough to braid it for me afterwards
From this (a little over 13 inches)View attachment 3664145to this
View attachment 3664146My hair refused to go any lighter, so we'll try again at my next appointment. She said that red, green and black would be good colors to mix in, but I think she was also thinking ribbon, not stones
Super cute! What do you think? I went from long hair to a short pixie cut about 15 years ago and I was shocked every morning for about a week. Sure makes dealing with hair simple though.
Super cute! What do you think? I went from long hair to a short pixie cut about 15 years ago and I was shocked every morning for about a week. Sure makes dealing with hair simple though.
I love it. My hair us so soft now, and I won't have to constantly brush it whenever I move my head

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