wives/fiances/girlfriends: any advice for getting my BF to finish coop

Power tools are your friend!
If he isnt going to finish it..then you go and give it a try!!
Take a tape measure, and get everything laid out and hae a plan...and just do it...keep you fingers away from the blade when the saw is going...and wear saftey glasses


you will be very proud of yourself when you finish it!
well, i got a roof.

i'm glad thats the part he got done because i know i couldn't do that. i'm going try and do the rest myself. lots of measuring and i'm going to have the guys at home depot cut my lumber so all i have to do is measure, remeasure and nail piece in with a nail gun. should be that hard right??
a compressor attached to a nail gun is lots of fun...our 9yr old does that now after learning on the first coop.
You could have done it all....but heck.....if the lumber is already going to be pre cut for you the rest will be cake!!!
Just look at it as a learning experiance...it's just a chicken coop (if DH heard me say that I would get one of those looks) but really.....it's not that hard once you get going on it.
Although I can say that since I was taught by one of the best carpenters around.
I have faith in you!!!!

After reading most of these posts, I'm convinced that some of the ladies here must have found their significant others in a gutter, begging for scraps....

I can build, repair, clean, do laundry, cook (somewhat), and many other things and still haven't found a decent woman yet that wants anything to do with me (not that I'm looking all that hard)....

Which leads me to another thing... It seems that most women just make poor choices in picking out a male.... I won't say "man" because some of the guys mentioned here don't qualify....
Oh how I wish you had someone there that would teach you these things !


You do realize just because you're a woman doesn't mean you have no ability to use tablesaws , jigsaws , sawzalls , chopsaws . and circular saws...right ?! The only way to learn is to do it....and as women we tend to be cautious anyway which makes us great cantidates for using " power tools " . Sometimes you just have to buck up and do it...if it fails...try again...lesson learned . You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for . Just try it . If anything invite someone who knows how to use the tools ....don't let them do it ...let them teach YOU ! Life is short...the more you know the better off you are . Good luck !

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