Woah, white button with patterned chest...

I hope to goodness that I get a few splash out of these eggs. I was going to order 100, but with a bator that only holds 120 quail eggs, and not knowing when my birds are going to start laying...
Doesn't do anybody much good if it is a new mutation, considering that they are like 13 weeks and still no breeding/egg laying.
I think I'm going to get a timer and see if I can test out different hours of light per day, as that's about the only other thing that I can think of. If I have two males, I'm probably going to pull a community stunt, and pull all other males, so that I KNOW all will have the gene. If it's a pair, they're staying together, or I may attempt to introduce another female, after I get a few eggs from the pair. Again, that's IF they ever decide to breed.
I hope something works out for you hun! once again if you lived closer i'd take some and baby sit them for 3 weeks for ya and see if it made a difference (would be fun to experiment with ya see what we could do to get them to lay).

Are the roos crowing? trying ot mate the hens or is nothing like that going on?
The only thing that happens with them is that my RB cinnie male does that "pew, pew" thing. No mating behaviors that I've noticed (granted, they don't like me and hide if I'm in the room). The white birds don't make any noises at all except the little peep sounds.
see my sliver roo I had, NEver crowed and never bred the hens, but the hens would lay eggs and lay for him but he wouldn't even attempt anything. I wonder if it's a need for natural sun light? Do you have plant grower bulbs or a room you can put them in that they can get true sun rays? Just a theory/thought?

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