Woah, white button with patterned chest...

I don't know, but they're driving me nuts. I just moved the "white" pair today. They now have a nice flight cage to themselves, instead of a slightly smaller tub type cage. I'm thinking of covering half of the cage, to add more security, then maybe get some fake plants and crap. The "whites" are my biggest spazzes, so they may need the extra security, maybe one hidey hole isn't enough? Watch, I'll have two roos or two hens, lol. My other batch is a little over 8 weeks now, so there's SOMETHING wrong here, because this line should have started laying at 6 weeks.
I know that my coturnix aren't getting enough *bright* light, but I'm not as concerned with them right now, considering that the chances of having a roo are only 50%, though I should move them for pickled eggs...
Well, apparantly some people have had bibs show through on the white males, so it's nothing new.
And, if this is the case, I guess both of them are males...
Oh well, I'll pull a small flock of females together for them, then I should get some whites back in a few months.
Wow - never seen that and I have a bunch of white buttons! I think it's cool - love the different color variations. Do yours really start laying at 6 weeks? Then mine are REALLY slacking because it takes them 9-10 weeks!!! I think it's pretty though!!
Well, the line they came from was "known" for producing at six weeks.
As of now, they're 13 weeks, so, they're definately slacking, if they're not all males or something kooky.

ETA: I think the creepiest thing of all is how quickly it showed up. The original picture was taken on the first, the other one didn't have any pattern on that day, but nine days later, and now it does...
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