Wobbly 2 yr old hen

Hard to tell what's going on with the beak, the photo is not clear enough. Did you raise her from a chick or was she purchased as a started pullet? She may have damaged it a some point.
Comb looks to have a bit of minor frostbite which is not that uncommon in the winter.

I would focus on her eating her normal feed, omit the scraps and give her the egg or tuna as a treat. Get the vitamins into her daily.
Being separated for 6 months with her own food/water, you would think that vitamin deficiency would not be an issue, but it's worth a shot.
Sometimes all it takes is for a hen to have some time taken with her, get a little extra TLC and encouragement to eat/drink to see improvement.
Thank you for the feedback. I forgot to
Mention I’ve kept them on a diet of Purina layer pellets so I’m a little stumped on how she’d get to be vitamin deficient her sisters are also on the same food and are very healthy. She is moving better today. Although She doesn’t have any desire to scratch around in her run instead she walks and lays down and gets her food that way.
She's been like this for 6 months?

What treatments, supplements, extras, medications have you tried in the 6month period?

What do you feed, including treats?

Video of her actions? Upload video to youtube and provide a link.

Any scabs on the bottom of her feet, long overgrown toenails, lice/mites, has she been laying eggs, swelling of the leg joints, etc.?
No scabs on feet or swelling. A few incredibly long toe nails which we clipped yesterday seems to have improved her walking. . I can’t see any lice /mites. She does walk a little pigeon toed.
She’s looking much better. Today I noticed though she ripped her toenail off.does it usually heal on its own ? Poor girl can’t catch a break

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