Wobbly new duckling, how to help?

Sunny Side Up

Count your many blessings...
11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Loxahatchee, Florida
Whoever said "money can't buy happiness" never ordered ducklings from a hatchery. My post office called at 6:30am to say they'd arrived. There are 9 crested whites and 1 f&w runner. They are natural anti-depressants!

But one of the crested ducklings acts like it is drunk, it has difficulty standing, balancing, walking. It has as good an appetite for food & enthusiasm for water as all the others, but its equilibrium is poor.

I'm feeding them unmedicated chick starter and put a pinch of sugar in their water. I put a single drop of liquid baby vitamins (w/out iron) in the wobbly duck's beak.

What else can I do? Please advise, we really want them all to survive! Thank you.
In addition to vitamins I would advise Niacin. That's all I can think to do at this point.
I thought that was the point of giving the baby vitamins, to give the duck extra Niacin among other helpful nutrients. Thank you for the suggestion, please pray for this one to get better!
One or 2 drops once a day should give a needed boost.

The baby vitamins do have niacin, so that is why I use the baby vitamins as the easiest way to get it in.

Let us know how the duckling does!

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