Woke up to a pile of feathers - what attacked my babies?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 4, 2012
I woke up this AM to my roo going crazy. Like any good mom, I groaned, threw on some shoes, and went out to calm him down - thinking a cat simply walked by the coop, causing him to go into a fit.

Imagine my shock when all I see is a pile of feathers and my pullet who sleeps on the ground missing a chunk of feathers from her bum with a small gash on her bum and one broken egg and one started to be broken egg.

Pullet is okay (minus a clump of feathers, unfortunately) - she was most likely the victim as she sleeps on the ground (the other silkie climbs the ladder to the roost but she refuses to).

We leave the coop door ajar overnight so they can get out first thing in the morning and have had zero problems in the past. Now we will definitely be closing the door at sunset and we are setting out traps. Hubby thinks it was an opossum. Any guesses?
No losses! Bo boy, our Roo, has made quite a name for himself in saving the lives of our ladies & fighting off predators.

Do cats try to eat the eggs? It looks like part of the reason for the attack was for the eggs.
Whatever it was, it'll probably be coming back tonight... And the hubs will be waiting for it. Took the pullet to the vet to be on the safe side & he said she'll be fine just a superficial wound.

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