Woman is facing 93 days in jail for growing a veggie garden

Off with yer head!
That's what they should do. If they get enough blow back they probably will. Lot of work for nothing though if she has to remove the raised beds.

If they have a right to farm law, why is it an issue. Is it a City rights issue? Does the city zoning count more than the state law?
I'm all for edible landscaping. Why waste water and resources on more lawns? I saw her pictures, and it isn't an eye-sore. She has nice, raised beds that are well-tended. I don't see why the city would be fine with beds full of flowers, but not beds full of veggies.
That is just insane and sick!

ETA: And i give them a REASON to throw me in jail.... i'd show them some real ugly landscaping.
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Nicely maintained raised beds can be quite pretty. Put some shredded bark down and use a drip system and her water use should be lower than a turf yard and a lot prettier than rock. maybe she can do Xeriscaping along the sidewalk and grow vegetables behind that.
This isn't about a woman having a garden in her front yard, it's about bureaucrats justifying their jobs. We got a letter in the mail the other day threatening us with a court hearing for having an unlicensed dog. (Don't get me started on that non-sense. Pay the government for the privilege of owning an animal! Pah!) Except the town has just taken over licensing from the county, to whom we had all ready paid our fee, and didn't bother to check before sending us a threatening form letter. So right out of the gate they are trying to throw their weight around. Mind your Ps and Qs friends, it's going to be a hell of a ride from here!
She is not breaking any laws though. There is no specific code excluding vegetables yet the city has interpreted the language to exclude them simply because "nobody else has vegetables in their front yard". Not much of an argument there. I am sure she will prevail in court.
She is not breaking any laws though. There is no specific code excluding vegetables yet the city has interpreted the language to exclude them simply because "nobody else has vegetables in their front yard". Not much of an argument there. I am sure she will prevail in court.

Then she should turn around and sue the city for the embarrassment, harassment, the value of her produce too which is now wasted probably, and jail time she served.

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