Women are hard to understand and so are hens!!!!

OEGB hens have the most personality and intelligence.
They are also manipulative and will completely take advantage of every opportunity and render you powerless with their cuteness.
Yours is quite a beauty!
Most of them don't stop for winter, some slow down. If they stopped awhile, they were probably molting, and now they're done! Egg laying will resume as usual!

Nice pics, cute hen! I have a couple who look a lot like that, a pair of EE's.
That is the sweetest thing! What a good mama. I have heard of chickens that just lay there eggs as they roost or eating them!

We have a cat that would come to find me and "MEOOOW MEOOOW MEOOOW" when she went into labor. So I would follow her as she lead me to her nest in the closet and I couldn't leave for a second without her getting out of the nest and following me whereever I went. So I had to sit with her for the next few hours and hold her paw while she gave birth
I would help her clean off the babies, she loved it! It is funny how people don't think animals cannot talk. They can't speak english, but they communicate in their own way. We just need to learn their language
NOW you got the picture! I am so proud of you! It took my DH about 3 years to figure that one out and now he just says " Yes, Dear. " And does whatever it was I wanted.

Thelma is a doll, you should be proud of her
And the Sam Adams nest box was a great idea!

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