Women over 40

A man over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, 'What are you thinking?' He didn't care what you though when you were hot and 20, and he really doesn't care now that you are 45 and snoring. He is just happy you are asleep because when you are asleep, you aren't yelling at him.

If a man over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, CALL AN AMBULANCE! Obviously he has had a silent stroke or has experienced some other debilitating medical condition.

Men over 40 look very dignified. Of course, they still fart under the covers and then wave the blanket at you, but they do look good while doing it.

Men are generous with praise. They know what it's like to be unappreciated for their vast knowledge of very important things.....like NASCAR and baseball stats.

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Women over 40 (and the wrong side of fifty in my case!) bless us all, for we are wise in the ways of men and the world......... yep wise..............no other words are needed.............
I told my wife when she turned 40 I was trading her in on 2 20 year olds. She very quickly informed me I was not wired for 220!

Rooney hit it on the head with that one.
Funny my husband has been saying that to me for years. Now I am 40 and still here!!

yeah they all say that including mine, then again I retort...you like living darling!

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