Wondering Now if I've Messed up


Feb 4, 2022
I've read through many threads here and read multiple articles elsewhere and even tried youtube, and can't find the answer so I must reach out in hopes of some guidance. I am incubating 14 eggs and using one that automatically turns the eggs. Prior to putting them in, I read the directions and confirmed on our platform here that the eggs should be pointing side down. Well, although this turner (moves like a rocker... so back and forth) performs ONE motion, it does not turn them a different direction. The eggs sit in rows between plastic dividers - so no true rolling or anything. :( Have I ruined these poor little ones? Should I have been turning them a different direction to make sure they aren't going to get stuck? As of yesterday, day 7, all 14 are healthy and I could even see movement in them. Can someone please tell me does what I can check for to confirm that positioning of the airpocket and little chick are in the right place? And also, if I should be turning them in addition to this back and forth motion. Please help with guidance! Thank you friends.
Yes, all 14 are doing well and I even saw movement yesterday (day 7). Do you know what I would look for to see if any are "stuck" in the wrong position?
And also, if I should be turning them in addition to this back and forth motion.
Relax, you are doing fine. Automatic turners can work two different ways. With some the eggs lay flat and the turners roll them. Pointy side down doesn't matter, they lay flat. The air cell stays where it needs to be. That's not the kind you have.

I have a different make and model so mine looks different from yours, but this type rocks the eggs back and forth. Pointy side down is important because that keeps the air cell at the top instead of at the bottom. The only turning they do is back and forth. That is exactly how they are supposed to work.

Do you know what I would look for to see if any are "stuck" in the wrong position?
Not really. If they have been rocking back and forth it's not an issue.
Relax, you are doing fine. Automatic turners can work two different ways. With some the eggs lay flat and the turners roll them. Pointy side down doesn't matter, they lay flat. The air cell stays where it needs to be. That's not the kind you have.

I have a different make and model so mine looks different from yours, but this type rocks the eggs back and forth. Pointy side down is important because that keeps the air cell at the top instead of at the bottom. The only turning they do is back and forth. That is exactly how they are supposed to work.

Not really. If they have been rocking back and forth it's not an issue.
Okay, phew! Thank you so much. Because you have one using the similar motion, do you remove the dividers on day 18 so they can lay flat at that point?
Okay, phew! Thank you so much. Because you have one using the similar motion, do you remove the dividers on day 18 so they can lay flat at that point?
With mine I can just totally remove the entire turner and just lay them flat. Does your incubator operating instructions say anything about that?

They can make a mess when they hatch. By removing mine before hatch it makes clean-up a little easier. But the big reason I remove it is that the way mine is made a chick could get a neck, leg, or wing stuck in a sharp corner. I've seen some turners that are built where that can't happen. I don't now what yours look like.

If you can't find anything in your instructions contact the incubator manufacturer and ask them.

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