Won't Go In Coop

Martha Jensen

In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 4, 2012
Lafayette, CA
For some reason, my chickens won't go in their coop at dark. They go in and out during the day so I know they *can* get in. Instead, they huddle together by the door and wait for me to go get them and put them in. I wouldn't care, but they are still young, about 6 weeks, and I have two 250 watt red bulbs in the coop.

So. Do I let them "camp out" if they don't go in on their own?

That is the same problem with my chickens to and they were raised from babies and are now 4 months old. A person suggested putting their favorite treat in the pen.
When it begins to get dark I got out, shake the bag of meal worms and sprinkle the worms in the coop. They know the sound - but still won't go. I did discover it's better to wait until it's dark since they are much easier to catch.
At 6 weeks old they should no longer need a heat lamp. Unless the temps are brutal where you are. I have 17 5 weeks old out in the coop with nothing but themselves and have been for about a week and a half. Temps are ranging high 30 s to high 40 s. Try taking the light out and see if that helps. At 6 weeks they are fully feathered and should do fine.
Oh, BTW, I wouldn't let them camp out, but that is a personal call. I lost a full grown duck to a racoon recently and chicks are easier pickings. Even juveniles.

To clarify me earlier post. They may be too hot when in the coop and would rather stay where it is a bit cooler. Ever worn a down coat during the summer? If you are worried about them getting cold then at least switch to a lower wattage bulb. Stick one of those thermometers that records the highest and lowest registered temp so you know the actual temperature you ate dealing with.
The chickens are going in on their own! The seemed worried about the steps; in the morning they would go down one or two and jump. I went out three days ago when it was starting to get dark and sprinkled meal worms up the stairs. The climbed on up, snacking on the way and have been fine since then.

I have been worried about them being too cold, but apparently I am thinking "person" and not "chicken". I will cut down to one light for a few days and see how it goes.
For some reason, my chickens won't go in their coop at dark. They go in and out during the day so I know they *can* get in. Instead, they huddle together by the door and wait for me to go get them and put them in. I wouldn't care, but they are still young, about 6 weeks, and I have two 250 watt red bulbs in the coop.

So. Do I let them "camp out" if they don't go in on their own?


You have to put them in the coop for about a week every night. It take time, but they eventually sleep in the coop. You can also lock them in the coop for few days to get use to then open the pop door.
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