Woods Open Air Coop Design - Amish Built

Scanned that photo again and noticed something I would suggest be changed, but may already be too late. I'd have them put insulation under the metal roof on the back part above the roosts. Otherwise, you will get condensation in there and have water dripping on the birds. That is an issue that has been known even in Woods time.....his plans call for boards as roof decking, covered by felt paper and asphalt shingles. It was known even back then that uninsulated metal roof in livestock buildings was a mistake. Not critical over the front scratch shed, but I'd want it over the back part under the monitor.

As for what type of insulation, I'd have them use 1/2" foil faced hard board polyiso stuff, with foil side out and white side in and have them place it over the purlins and under the metal. They will need about 3 sheets of it.

In addition to helping with the moisture and condensation, insulation under the roof creates a "thermal break" to prevent radiant heat from being lost to the outside. The birds themselves are the source of the heat. With a load of birds, coop will be warmer and dryer inside with insulation under the roof......no supplemental heat needed.

I have an "Amish" built horse barn, which is very good, but either they didn't know to put insulation under the roof, or were told not to (to save on cost), but either way, if horses are left inside, it will literally rain inside and leave a lot of stuff wet.
Thanks very much for the advice, they are working on adding insulation under the roof atleast where the birds will be roosting. It's been SO cold up here not much work being done. We have been waiting for a break in the weather so they can stain it but I think we may consider just staining it in the Spring considering this Ice Age we are in :)
Update...we are getting closer! They put the wrong “hardware cloth” in but they are fixing it now. I’m also not sure the side windows are large enough so they may need to modify those too. They did add insulation under the metal roof where the hens will roost. Pics attached :)
View attachment 1236837 View attachment 1236838 View attachment 1236840 View attachment 1236839 View attachment 1236841 Update...we are getting closer! They put the wrong “hardware cloth” in but they are fixing it now. I’m also not sure the side windows are large enough so they may need to modify those too. They did add insulation under the metal roof where the hens will roost. Pics attached :)

Can you post pics of the other side as well? :) I'm doing my Woods coop homework...I think I may have to "flip" the design to work with my existing run that I have.

Can you post pics of the other side as well? :) I'm doing my Woods coop homework...I think I may have to "flip" the design to work with my existing run that I have.

These are the only pictures I have as of now but I will continue to post as I get them and will take more once we actually have the coop. They are 2.5 hours from us so I am relying on what they send me for now
Pop door is okay on the East side....but human door needs to be on the West side. I just found JackE's coop pics and saw the opposite side.

Curious about inside layout though...
The only thing that would change is where you put the nesting boxes maybe. Human door can go on either side they are identical except for the pop door.
I would recommend putting it on the opposite wall of the human door
Why? Think you'd want it closer to human door.

I asked that they make mine removable so I can move it if needed.
Good Idea!

Pop door is okay on the East side....but human door needs to be on the West side. I just found JackE's coop pics and saw the opposite side.
Pretty easy to change that in your plans.....the building is symmetrical east to west.

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