Woods Open Air w. Greenhouse Mods

Actually slightly east of south was to take advantage of the sun in winter, but I've never understood how, exactly.

To elaborate on what SL mentions, the Woods house is essentially an elaborately devised and constructed run.....covered with a roof and enclosed on three sides. It can be opened up or closed off as needed and houses all the furniture a house needs......roosts, nests, etc, but more or less functions as an enclosed run. An abundance of fresh air and sunshine. Birds are happier and healthier for it.

The well ventilated and draft free comes from the width to depth ratio......essentially a rectangle with narrow end open and facing south. Air movement in the back dies out to almost nothing towards the back half of the structure. What Woods referred to as an "air cushion". I see the same thing in an open ended attached shed on my horse barn. It is 12' wide and 36' deep, but the 12' end is wide open. Step inside that only a few feet and the air goes dead calm inside regardless of what the wind is doing. It can be blowing like stink from any direction and you don't feel it once you move only a few feet back from the opening. By comparison, there is another open shed on the other side......it too is 12' wide and 36' deep and it is open down the 36' side. The wind and breeze never die down on that side as air is always moving regardless of wind direction.

The surest way to defeat the air cushion is to give it a place to go. Open a side window, open a top window, open a door and the air inside the house will start to dance. Close it all up except the open end and it all goes calm. So open in summer and closed in winter.
I'm super grateful to everyone who has put so much time into this post with me! It wasn't what I wanted to hear at first but, actually, my project will be easier and less expensive than if I had tried it with my original design... I'm amazed by how helpful everyone has been! I'd done a ton of research already, searched and read old posts, asked folks I know who have or have had chickens but there's just so much out there. It would have taken me months to learn what you've all shared with me... I just got started today on my coop- 8x12 classic Woods- one roost across the back, 18" off the back, nest boxes opposite the door, deep litter management. I'll be putting the large south windows on a hinge so I can open the front for cleaning and maintenance. I'll post pictures of my progress! Thanks, again everyone!
The results of about 3 days of work... Most of day 1 was DH explaining to me how to frame a wall (we're not carpenters by any stretch but he has some experience) and figuring out where to put it when we're done. Much of the work I did in my own, though!

Not pictured: the foundation- six pallets nailed together with three 12' 2x4s, a small pile of *mostly unavoidable scrap wood and one injured finger.

I'm moving along pretty well. Kids are off school Thursday and Friday, so I have a nice long weekend to get some more done! If I post an article about my build under the "my coop" link, can I edit it as I go out should I wait until I'm done?


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Farmburl hasn't been here since a couple of months after this thread so I don't think she will see your question.

These are some threads of people who updated after a year or more of building their Woods' coop:
Still liked it over a year later - https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...th-a-coop-design.1295935/page-2#post-21086843


Farmburl hasn't been here since a couple of months after this thread so I don't think she will see your question.

These are some threads of people who updated after a year or more of building their Woods' coop:
Still liked it over a year later - https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...th-a-coop-design.1295935/page-2#post-21086843



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