
12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Poolville, TX
Hey guys, I just ordered a worm bin and the worms to go in it. You guys need to check it out, great for composting, snacks for the chickens, getting the castings for your garden. www.catchtherain.com I thought it was so cool and my son is going to have a ball with this.
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I agree,
I started composting with worms back in November. Every once in a while we'll throw a couple small ones to the chicks. They are like little pirahna at a feeding frenzy.

"Warning unsolicited advice ahead"

Give your bin time to settle, due to stress of shipping some/alot of the worms will die. Try to avoid over feeding of worms to chickens. (not because it will harm the chickens but because it takes 45-60 days for your worm herd to double in size). Also be carefull about hand feeding worm to chickens, they can start associating your hand with food and pecking at you even when you dont have anything.
We're making one of these out of a rubbermaid tote and have found a local grower of the worms. Here is a link with instructions to make one:


You can also find instructions for making rain barrels yourself. That the other project we are starting on. A new rain barrel at the chicken coop to water them out of
Dose anyone know if the worms sold as fishing bait are healthy to eat/ raise for eating?
WORMS???!!!!! <shudder>

Of all the things in the world I'm scared of, WORMS are at the top of the list!!!

I know it's strange, I even have PET snakes in the house, but a WORM????? <shudder again>.

A little embarrassed to also admit I used to be afraid of chickens....
Cool, Mrs Bird Brain is up there right now, picking up chicks. (I had already agreed on those before putting a moratorium on further chick/egg purchases)

Cheekon - verify what kind they are selling first. any fish bait worm is fine for feeding to chickens (you did mean for chickens to eat, Right!).
But if you want some for composting with, stick with either the red wrigglers or European night crawlers.
I second not feeding by hand! My thumb just stopped throbbing from a chicken bite! Ouch! I was trying to hand feed because a greedy few were getting all the worms!
Cool, Mrs Bird Brain is up there right now, picking up chicks. (I had already agreed on those before putting a moratorium on further chick/egg purchases)

Cheekon - verify what kind they are selling first. any fish bait worm is fine for feeding to chickens (you did mean for chickens to eat, Right!).
But if you want some for composting with, stick with either the red wrigglers or European night crawlers.

I think their nightcrawlers.

My friend told me it was unhealthy to feed to his snakes because of a chemical used in their food or something like that.

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