Worm Control for egg laying hens

That sounds interesting. ¿I wonder ifin there is a way to validate that? Sounds like an inexpensive and safe way to do things ifin its true.

Thank You All Much,
I was considering worming my birds but not into chemicals. I will give the apple cider vinegar a try and see if I can find some fresh pumpkin seeds. I have not seen any evidence of worms but since it is winter and they are not really laying, I won't loose to many eggs. I assume you can eat the eggs when using the vinegar solution. I am the proud owner of 20 mixed breed hens and 2 very happy roosters. Chickens Rock!!!!

Just Me Barb from PA

Dang! I paid $8.00 for a bottle of that Wazine! Looks like a lifetime supply!!! I would rather do the vinegar. If I had the receipt I'd take it back. I just wormed my cats so I wanted to do the chickens, too.
If you suspect your chickens have worms use Flubenvet 1% it is the only wormer that kills all worms and worm eggs including Gapeworm. There is no withdrawal of eggs with Flubenvet 1% so all eggs are safe to eat, however bird kept for meat must wait 7 day before slaughter. Flubenvet is available to buy on amazon.
I have only had chicken a short while and was told my chickens were all wormed when I got them so didn't think I had a problem. I lost 50 % of my girls using apple cider vinegar and de powder none of which kill gapeworm. Gapeworm gives similar symptoms to IB infectious bronchitis. My chickens were Gasping for air so I thought of Respiratory Diseases, turns out it was Gapeworm.
My chickens died because of WORM!!!!
Hi Everyone: I appreciate all the info on here....the only problem is it takes forever to find the solution to a simple question ....my chicken has round worms for sure...she is a laying hen...what is the real and appropriate medication to give her to get rid of the worms....I have read so many suggestions I still don't have the right answer....I assume Wazine....and will not be able to use the eggs for 2 weeks or so....that's ok....just want to get rid of these round worms....thanks to anyone who will give me the right info without quessing....have a nice day
Wazine for round worms is correct....10 days off the eggs.
BTW, the 10 days off the eggs is pure speculation....there is no research to back any layoff.....eat the eggs when you want to....;-)
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Thank you....did buy some yesterday...started them today....only have two chickens....hope it takes care of the problem.....
My older hens are a year and a half old--my other hens are younger -little less than a year-30 hens all together-almost all orps of all colors. I have only gotten a dozen and a half eggs tops all summer each day and the older hens don't look as fluffy and full so I am worming--gave them wazine today and DAWG on here says in 10 days to give them valbezan which I have for all other worms. I know it will be a month of no eggs but as of this week I am only getting 6 eggs a day so I supposed it is a good time to worm. I did have a time just like this last fall and gave them some pumpkins that I had chopped up and there was a huge change in them as pumpkins are supposed to be a natural wormer--but they don't kill all worms. I am very interested in the wormer mentioned on here that you can keep the eggs and am going to do some research on it. I will let u know if I see a significant change in my girls and egg production in the next few weeks...
well. after 2 days of searching for flubenvet on here I am disappointed in not being able to purchase it in the US and doesn't seem like the UK will ship it here. I read up on it with no bad news--it has been around for 15 years and seems to work great with no eggs having to be tossed while using it. AGHHHHHH I really wanted to get some to use and not throw away 45 dozen eggs!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone knows where you can get it I would appreciate the info.....
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