Worm medicines

It is easier to get a 1 ml free syringe without a needle at a Walmart or other pharmacy, which they will give for animals or babies. Feed store will sell 3 ml syringes in small amounts, and those can have the needles removed.

What wormer are you using? It helps to give a dewormer orally into the beak about 1/4 tsp at a time, allowing them to swallow each portion. A tsp equals 5 ml. Some dosages are less than 1 ml per pound of weight, so a small syringe is handy. Knowing an approximate weight of the chicken helps as well.

Read post 4 here for wormers and dosages:
Should I sprinkle DE in the ground where I am letting them free range. They dig and tear up the dirt looking for stuff.

I also have Permethrin 10% the feed store sold me to spray in their coop. Should I spray that and let it dry where they are digging.
How much do the chickens weigh? What breeds, and are they full grown? Dosage of SafeGuard is 0.23 ml (about 1/4 ml) per pound given orally for 5 straight days. So, a 5 pound hen would get 1.25 ml or 1 1/4 ml which is a little more than 1/4 of a tsp.
I don’t use DE, but some use it in small amounts in the coop to prevent bugs. It may be sprinkled in a dust bath. Don’t put it one the soil or in their free ranging area. It can irritate the eyes and lungs.
Permethrin is to treat lice and mites. Don ‘t use it on the birds unless you see lice or mites on their bodies. I have used it inside my coop to prevent flies, or to treat lice. Spray it and let it dry completely for an hour before chickens are allowed inside. It is not used on the ground outside. Are your birds having any lice or mites? Check them often. Any new birds coming into the flock should be examined for lice or mites and their eggs.
Right now I don't plan on any new birds. Learning to care for these two is important right now. I had to rehome one two weeks ago because she was fighting and I could not stop it. My kids gave them to me last Thanksgiving. I named them Wyken, Blyken and Knod. ha Now all I have is Wyken and Blyken. I looked at the receipt from the place the kids bought the chicks and it says True Blue - what ever that means.

I am trying to get my husband to assist me in getting a bigger coop but it has not happened yet......Florida heat and humidity is really terrible. I have fans running and give them cold water and have a pan with a large ice cube in it to help cool things down. Sure melts fast.

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