Worming DUCKS - dosage and moulting questions


Feb 1, 2022
Hi - I need to worm my two ducks.. they seem perfectly healthy but I happened to see a huge worm ejected in Bella's poop (long, fat and white, I think a roundworm).

I have 1% Flubendazole for them. Not sure of dosage for ducks, can anyone advise, please? I have read a lot of posts here about worming chickens! But can't find duck advice.

The leaflet says not to give it to birds in moult or growing new feathers. One has been moulting and is now almost back, the other has just lost her longer wing feathers. Should I wait and if so, how long? I really wanted to deal with this promptly. We have had a lot of wild geese in the garden, I expect it came through them as the ducks forage freely.

If I hadn't seen it I would have no idea anything was wrong - and I spend several hours a day with them while gardening. They forage everywhere and know to come if I'm digging.

Thanks in advance!
Hi - I need to worm my two ducks.. they seem perfectly healthy but I happened to see a huge worm ejected in Bella's poop (long, fat and white, I think a roundworm).

I have 1% Flubendazole for them. Not sure of dosage for ducks, can anyone advise, please? I have read a lot of posts here about worming chickens! But can't find duck advice.

The leaflet says not to give it to birds in moult or growing new feathers. One has been moulting and is now almost back, the other has just lost her longer wing feathers. Should I wait and if so, how long? I really wanted to deal with this promptly. We have had a lot of wild geese in the garden, I expect it came through them as the ducks forage freely.

If I hadn't seen it I would have no idea anything was wrong - and I spend several hours a day with them while gardening. They forage everywhere and know to come if I'm digging.

Thanks in advance!
Your post may get better help if you put it in the Duck section here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forums/ducks.42/

I would help if I could, but I don't have ducks, just chickens. Good luck!
Oh, thank you so much -- silly of me. I spent ages trying to remember how to post then I forgot to check exactly where I was posting :) Thanks!

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