Worming treatments? Please help.


☆Chicken Chaos☆
Jul 7, 2023
Pacific NW
So, my chickens have not been doing great, and I think they have worms. I cannot find any flubenzadole for them in the USA, where I live, when looking online. Does anyone have any recomendations?
Their symptoms:
● diarrhea, usually yellow and foamy-ish.
(They don't eat corn, or anything that would cause this naturally)
● Ruffled and scraggly feathers, and loosing feathers.
● No eggs yet. (They are around 23 weeks, and have not laid any eggs.) (This could have to do with the fact that the previous owner had given them layer feed a little to young, but not sure...)
I include the symptoms incase I may have gotten something wrong, and there are no worms, I do worry a lot...
Thanks for the help! ♡
Also a note, this started with the barred rock, Esther, and the others started having diarhea a few days after. The wyandotte has a really scraggly tail, and the barred rock has feathers on her wings sticking out.


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How long have you had them?

What are you feeding?

23wks for a dual purpose pullet is a bit early to come into lay. The bird in your photo hasn't really even pinked up yet. I know it can be hard, but about all you can do is just wait on those first eggs. All good things come in time...

As for deworming. It may be necessary. Can you get a fecal float to see if you need to treat for worms and/or Coccidiosis?

Info on deworming is on your other thread. Flubendazole is not available in the U.S.

Fenbendazole is available in United States is broad spectrum ...it has labeled BRAND names like pancur...fennendazole is the ingredient.
Check them for external parasites ..I looked on line and here for all possible parasite problems. They are actually not ready to be laying yet.. once their health is better you may start seeing an egg or 2..follow recommendations for whwn to feed laying feed.there is a powder to help put nutrients in their water and fir better gut health. Watch what table scrapes you feed some are deadly. Mine love tomatoes..but the plant and stems itself is deadly. It's from the night shade family

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