WORMING with Fenbendazole - - How much?

Hey Rancher.

I did try the pellets once and there was NO WAY my birds were going to eat the recommended amount either.
The liquid dewormer works really well in the water - - - although it is thicker than the water. I am not sure if you can get the paste to dilute / mix well in the water.

I have found the easiest to use is 3 ml of the goat wormer fenbendazole per gallon of water. I repeated the dosage for 3 days and tossed eggs for the 10 days after the last day of worming. This is another version where you treat everyone in one day - - - but I think the 3 day dose would be more effective because it keeps the stuff in their system longer . . .

It is a gentle wormer that is very hard to overdose on. That is why I like it !

I have used the paste on BREAD and they have torn it up! My problem was I didn't know how to make sure everyone got the right amount. . . .

Do you two flocks share the same space? ? IF they don't share the same space - - - then sure you could do flock 1 Now and Flock 2 LATER. However, if they are sharing the same space - - - you should treat eveyone at the same time .

Hope this helps
I don't think they are the same thing - - - but because their names are so similiar it means they are in the same family of drugs.

Wish they were the same thing - - - that egg withdrawal thing sucks - - - broke my heart to toss those eggs.
Couldn't even scramble them and feed them back to them !

However, around my house there were a lot of wildlife that got wormed during that time period. I tossed the eggs in my compost pile and the animals came and dugg them out. We didn't figure out how deep we had to dig the hole for the tossed eggs until about day 5 of tossing !
My coop is divided into two parts. Each has it's own run so they are seperate. It would not be hard to do them alternateingly. I've written a letter to "answerman" Ron Kean in BackYardPoultry magazine about this hopeing to get information on an easy to use, no withdrawal, inexpensive wormer.
I tried to e-mail him but can't get through. Not sure if it's Yahoo or the e-mail address. I'll mail the letter tomorrow. I've included a SASE in hopes they will send me an answer in the mail and I won't have to wait for them to publish it. That's if they do at all.

The Flubendazole and Fenbendazole certaily look enough alike in spelling. They may be the same thing. I asked him that too.

Take care
Flubendazole and Fenbendazole are chemically related, but not the same. If you are looking for a wormer with no withdrawal, purchase Eprinex. The cheapest I've found is a 250ml bottle(more than enough) at jeffers livestock online or phone # on their website. I recently bought a bottle and it's nice not to toss eggs in the garbage. FYI...it's a pour on like regular ivermectin pour on, but it's clear and thicker (kinda like cough syrup.) Dosage is 1/2cc/ml standards....1/4cc/ml smaller chickens.
I do plan on trying this stuff next year. I did manage to use a lot of my safegaurd up this last time go around. I just wormed the pot belly pigs yesterday. So, unless I see something indicating worms - - - - the non-human creatures in my yard are done with their bi-annual worming.

Still got to take the cat to the vet - - - but she doesn't go outside so worms aren't a problem.
From Pine Grove (William Bennet) ....

Valbazen which is a cattle wormer is the best I've ever used..It kills more types of worms than all the others combined, And you don't have to worry about a massive worm kill like with piperazine or ivermectin which will sometimes clog the intestines..Valbazen slowly starves the parasites over a 2 to 5 day period..Valbazen is also used for human treatments at 400 mg child or adult..So unless you are allergic to it I'ts ok to consume the eggs after treatment, But I and all I know wait two weeks ..I'ts pricey at around $40.00 per bottle but well worth it

Dosage is 1/2 cc orally to adult large fowl.. 1/4 cc for bantams and young standard breeds​

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