Worms in feces, graphic and horrible picture

how old can chicks be to worm them
I have to ask, why do you want to worm them? I know that Safeguard/Panacur (fenbendazole 10%) is safe in chicks of all ages, but I don't know about Wazine (piperazine), Valbazen (albendazole) and Ivermectin.
I know this thread was started years ago, but the photo is just what 2 of my 3 hens have. They aren't acting sick - laying great, plenty of energy. I have read the entire thread plus several others on similar topics, but am still confused. It sounds like the consensus is that these are tapeworms? Is that correct? I called all the local feed stores, and they all said Wazine would cure any kind of worm chickens get, which is not what I am reading here. I don't want to start that if it won't be effective if these are in fact tapeworms. Its Saturday night, so I won't be able to take anything for analysis til Monday at the earliest.

Should I start the Wazine tomorrow, or just wait til I actually know what these beasties are?

Just my opinion but I have a float test done to determine what worms my birds have.
My local vet does the test and the last time I had the results back in 4 hours. Came back as tapeworm and wazine was recommended.
Wait until you get a diagnosis. Tapeworms require a different course of treatment. Another few days won't make any real difference if they have no problems now. You could do more harm than good and you will know exactly what are treatinng for. No sense putting them through anything you don't have if you guess wrong.
Here's a link to sound information, but do find out what they have first.

Good luck!
Thanks for the responses. I'll wait and see what these are - I think I found a vet that can do it not far from here.

My husband seems a little concerned about eating the eggs we gathered before discovering the worms. Should we toss them? Or can we eat them if we crack them open first and then cook them if all looks ok?
The vets office will do a fecal/float test with chicken poo the same as they do with dogs and cats. Mine calls me to let me know what ova (worm eggs) are present and they usually let me know if they find any cocci in the sample. The type of worm present determines what treatment is needed to get rid of them. A few cocci are normal in the sample, high numbers require treatment.

I would not worry about worms in your eggs. I've never seen any and you are cooking the eggs. If you do have to treat them the vet can give you specific withdrawl time for the worker needed to treat them.
Just my opinion but I have a float test done to determine what worms my birds have.
My local vet does the test and the last time I had the results back in 4 hours. Came back as tapeworm and wazine was recommended.
Interesting that Wazine would be recommended since it will have no effect on tapes. I would guess that the vet recommended the Wazine because it is the only wormer actually labeled for use in chickens. Valbazen or Zimectrin Gold for horses are both used "off label" for chickens and both will treat tapes.
I know this thread was started years ago, but the photo is just what 2 of my 3 hens have. They aren't acting sick - laying great, plenty of energy. I have read the entire thread plus several others on similar topics, but am still confused. It sounds like the consensus is that these are tapeworms? Is that correct? I called all the local feed stores, and they all said Wazine would cure any kind of worm chickens get, which is not what I am reading here. I don't want to start that if it won't be effective if these are in fact tapeworms. Its Saturday night, so I won't be able to take anything for analysis til Monday at the earliest.

Should I start the Wazine tomorrow, or just wait til I actually know what these beasties are?


Let me unconfuse you: Feed stores dont know squat about what to worm chickens with except wazine, because it's labeled for chickens. Wazine only gets rid of large roundworms, not any other type of worms that chickens can get. The photo in the beginning of this thread shows chicken feces with tapeworm segments, like this photo below:

Go back to your feed store and purchase Zimectrin Gold equine paste wormer, it's cheaper than valbazen. Dose ALL your chickens orally with a "pea" sized amount of the paste. They will wipe their beaks afterwards which is normal. Then redose them again in 10 days. Toss eggs in the garbage 14 days after the last dosing. The praziquantel in the zimectrin gold kills the tapeworms, not the ivermectin. The ivermectin will kill mites, if your birds have any.
Chickens get tapeworms by eating infected insects.
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