Worms? YUCK!!!

Ckn woman

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 28, 2009
My 6 wk and 9 wk olds don't like worms. I find them in the pen for them and give it to them to eat but they act like they don't know what to do with it. Is this normal?????? I gave them some dried bread last night and they loved it! I just want to know what it up with the worms and maybe something else I could give them? I was thinking of growing mealworms but now I don't know. Help!!!!
lol I dont know whats up with yours, but we put sod chunks from the edge of my flower beds and garden in there for our babies every few days (mine are 3 weeks old) and they all dig for worms like gold and then do victory laps when they find one!
HAHA That is funny. I tired to give some worms to our quails and they had NO idea what to do with them.

sparkles2307: At what age did you start giving the chicks the grass clumps? I would like to do the same thing. Do i need to give them grit along with that, IYO?
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We actually like, dig up a chunk with the dirt and everything and set it in there. THey are 19 days old and we started doing it just 3 days ago. I assume that the 5 lbs of dirt attached to the grass will provide enough grit, no one seems any worse for the wear so far....and THEY LOVE IT, you gotta do it its better than the movies!!!
Gotcha. Thanks
Im sure its amazing to watch and cant wait to try it when they are a bit older (so in about a week and a half)!
Gotcha. Thanks
Im sure its amazing to watch and cant wait to try it when they are a bit older (so in about a week and a half)!

I've been doing it for my chickies since about 1 week old. They love it! We call it 'chicken TV'. (It's better than a LOT of stuff on TV, anyway).
Well.... They might not like worms but they love strawberry yogart and raisin bran. It was a sight to see when they found a raisin and ran.
My adults didn't like worms when they were younger but as they've gotten older (and bugs more scarce), they're eating lots more of the poor things. My tweens don't care about worms and only the blue cochin chick seems to like worms so far. It'll change!
Try starting with some crickets. Mine loved them. Gobbled 'em up faster than I could believe. I think the crickets hopping had something to do with the mass interest. Anyway's it was fun watching one get a cricket and run around with it, trying to keep it away from the others.

Last night was my first trial with meal worms. At first they didn't seem to know that it was food until one of the worms moved. Then one of the chickens got brave and tried one. The rest cautiously took their turn at taking one from my hand, until a couple realized how good they were and then pushed and reached over all the others to get more, more, more...

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