

7 Years
Apr 29, 2014
Rigby, ID
Found this poop from my little three-month-old pullet. I kind of poked around and spread it out, it wasn't quite the spread out when I found it. Is this worms?

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It appears to be intestinal shed. I would watch her closely, and if she (or any others) appears lethargic or stands puffed up I would start her on some Coid (amprollium) for coccidosis. Intestinal shed is normal at times, but it should only be occasional.
It appears to be intestinal shed. I would watch her closely, and if she (or any others) appears lethargic or stands puffed up I would start her on some Coid (amprollium) for coccidosis. Intestinal shed is normal at times, but it should only be occasional.

Never heard of intestinal shed, thank you for the info.

Have never seen it mentioned in chicken health texts or on line university sites. When I saw this post, went searching for info, but all I find are forum discussions and they indicate it is normal, but seems strange to me. Why would chickens shed intestinal lining if not due to a medical issue?

The photo by OP looks like a lot of sloughed tissue. If poop is still fresh, I would consider having it evaluated for parasites and ova?
Eggccesive, you were commenting on my other post about bubbles from nose and a pic of poo. Do you think all symptoms from the two posts are related?
The whole flock sneezes. I find bright runny poo occasionally. Everyone is acting normal. No lethargy. No loss of appetite. Everyone is drinking fine. Just sneezing and occasionally one will have a big clear bubble coming from 1 nostril. They've been like this for a couple of months. Never worse or better. Check out my other posts or threads I've started for more info and pics. I have 3 mallards. 2 bantams. 3 silkies. 20 standards, all different breeds.

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