worried about my chicks eggs


7 Years
Jun 24, 2012
My white leghorn started laying last week and so far I've had four great eggs, but the last two mornings that I've let her out there has been eggs that are like deflated balloons. I have no idea why this could be because she hasnt been acting any differently. The other thing that is odd is that this is happening either in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning and not at her usual lay time. Hope someone can help. I'm really worried.
I don't know, but I hope someone here can help you figure this out. I would like to know the answer. I wouldn't worry as long as your Leghorn is healthy.
The only thing I could imagine is maybe low calcium causing the shell to be soft so it caved in?. Are you giving calcium supplement? Is there anything inside the egg?
I hope someone with more experience can give you a good answer to your problem. Good Luck.
New layers just sometimes take awhile to get it right. Sounds like she has layed a couple of shell-less eggs. Her body is still maturing and learning the ropes. Nothing to worry about. By next week, she should be a laying pro....practice makes perfect.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! New layers are exciting!!!

Thanks for your answer. I have 14 pullets that haven't started to lay yet so I'm happy to have a better idea what to expect.
Thank you so much for this answer, I can't express how relieved I am. Got my self 1 leghorn, 1 speckeldy, 1 black rock & 1 warren. They are so funny. Thank you for the welcome.

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