Worst emegency ever

this is absolutely heartbreaking.... bless you and the staff for going the extra mile to support this poor woman.
As for the
who caused it ....
Go get him!
I sure hope that dog doesn't have the same history with people. If it was so aggressive to dogs if it hasn't already hurt a person it is only a matter of time before it will. I wonder though, if his odd reaction was due to a history of problems with the dog?
That dog is dangerous and should be put down. I would immediately fire him as a handyman. It is terribly irresponsible for that man to take that dog out where it can be a danger to others. I wouldn't allow someone that stupid to work for me. I hope she reported the indent to the authorities. He needs to pay for the for the cremation, the urn and replacing the dog. What a bum. I hope this woman doesn't become a doormat and let this go. That dog will injure or kill other animals, and possibly humans, if it is not taken care of. I hate irresponsible dog owners.
If a handyman ever brings a dog onto my property, he will be told to leave till he can come without it, period. That is extremely rude, if you ask me. And he should give her the work for free for the emotional distress he caused her.
I'm sorry Nikki. I worked at a vets once, as a receptionist not a tech, and I couldn't stand some of the things I saw. I don't know how I could have stood it as a long-time job. But I never saw anything like what you just experienced.

Does the vet practice have the contact info for the man whose dog attacked the other? I'm sure the woman whose dog died must have that info - that dog that attacked needs to be reported to animal control and put down. It is a menace and a danger. I'm sure your entire vet practice would testify to that.
It is policy of our clinic to report vicious dogs, it is law to report dogs that have hurt people regardless of how small the injury. The man gave us no information and we were with the woman in the 20 min. after the incident so other than giving us her information she was a mess. Animal control was called and we filed a report with the womans info so they will be questioning her. It is up to her now on how far to go with it since she is the only one at the moment with any info on him.

Thank you all for your kind words. I have seen many cases of animal abuse including with my own dogs previous owners and then at least you know your taking the animal out of that situation. Or animals with cancer or other fatal issues at least the owner has some time to prepare.This was all just raw emotion the woman did love her dog and you could tell it was very well cared for. Just being next to someone going through that heartbreak when it is all still fresh. It was too much.

airheart43: Thank you that is very kind once we can get a hold of her I will have a better idea of how to help. I couln't give you her address of course but I could PM you the clinics address.
Thanks, please do let me know how i can help. After my sweet little persian PJ had to be put to sleep after a tough battle with cancer, the vet staff sent me flowers. i can't tell you how much that helped, just knowing someone cared enough to express their condolences. That small gesture meant a lot.

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