Worst. Movie. Ever.


" What am I not turtley enough for your turtle club?" Sorry had to say it. My kids loved that movie.

OH my Gosh, I had forgotten about that . . .Dana Carvey? Is that you spell his last name . . . he is funny, and such a sweet guy. My kids said that all the time after we watched that movie!!!!
OMG Out of Africa is on my all-time Top 5 list, I think it is an amazing movie!

One of my very favorites is The Illusionist - incredible!
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Mojo Chick'n :

I'm assuming you mean Red Dwarf the movie - I LOVE Red Dwarf the series
(Yes, I admit it, I am a Smeghead)


Me, too!
Have you seen the last one--made last year, I think. Sometimes the Brits REALLY know how to end a series right, and this is a good example of it.

BTW, DON'T go see the movie, "State of Play". DO watch the Brit series, "State of Play." (Another thoughtless American ripoff. WHY can't American filmmakers realize that we can create our own good stuff, too--you don't have to cross the pond and copy their stuff!)
Anyway, the British series is rivetting--just watched it, again. Can't tell that story in 2 hours--it takes 3x that long, and you'll love it all.​
Me, too!
Have you seen the last one--made last year, I think. Sometimes the Brits REALLY know how to end a series right, and this is a good example of it.

BTW, DON'T go see the movie, "State of Play". DO watch the Brit series, "State of Play." (Another thoughtless American ripoff. WHY can't American filmmakers realize that we can create our own good stuff, too--you don't have to cross the pond and copy their stuff!)
Anyway, the British series is rivetting--just watched it, again. Can't tell that story in 2 hours--it takes 3x that long, and you'll love it all.

I haven't seen any recent ones. I need to be looking for them, I guess. They don't play it on TV anymore where I live, and the dvds that I have are all the older ones.

Never heard of State of Play - I'll have to look that one up, too.

Me, too!
Have you seen the last one--made last year, I think. Sometimes the Brits REALLY know how to end a series right, and this is a good example of it.

BTW, DON'T go see the movie, "State of Play". DO watch the Brit series, "State of Play." (Another thoughtless American ripoff. WHY can't American filmmakers realize that we can create our own good stuff, too--you don't have to cross the pond and copy their stuff!)
Anyway, the British series is rivetting--just watched it, again. Can't tell that story in 2 hours--it takes 3x that long, and you'll love it all.

I just rented this for DH, but he didn't watch it. Maybe I should return it before we waste time on it.

I told him "I got it because Russell Crowe is in it. He hasn't been in any bad movies for a long time."
To which he replied "So he's due."
Guess he had a vibe I didn't pick up on.

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