Worst TV show ever

I cant stand anything on Nickelodeon anymore....I grew up on that channel and the stuff on there today is just....BORING and really dumb lol
thats why I love the history channel and all that now that im getting older...if you call 19 older
The Banana Splits are from MY childhood, and I'm almost 50. I think I was about 5 when they started.

I shouldn't have read this thread... now I got the steenkin' Banana Splits theme song stuck in my head. Ain't that something? Probably been 30 years since I saw even old re-runs of that show, and I still know the song.

Tra la la, la la la la, tra la la, la la la la.

One banana, two banana, three banana four! Four bananas make a bunch and so do many more.
Over hill and highway the Banana buggies go, coming here to bring you the Banana Splits show.

Tra la la, la la la la, tra la la, la la la laaaaaaaaaaah.....
I bit my tongue in cheek...
ok, Hoarders and Repo, with the Beauty Queen fat chick with the tats and stick pins all over.
. She makes love a minefield!

Hoarders, really burns me, with this Dr. Chill analist: 'These people think they know better and can do what no-one else can'.... I bet his Hamster died in its second week with him.

No , I did not have chickens on my table. They were in a box by the coffe table. Between me , the cats and the TV.

It all depends on the yardstick, as to what is normal. Among Blind men, the One Eyed man would be King.

The Original Pee Wee Herman show was a very late night Adult show. It was a spoof of dumb kiddie shows and had him hypnotizing naked women, and other just crazy stuff. Completely funny and for all adults with a 2.5 year old mind. ( thats us guys, when we get sexy).
the ratings were off, and he ran with the movies, and eventually crashed and burned with the theater incident.
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Whale Wars. That pretentious lying snot "Captain" Paul who even pretended that the Japanese shot him. He is best known for attempting to terrorize a Puget Sound American Indian tribe, the Makah, a few years ago. The tribe was trying to return to their traditional diet because of their incredibly high rate of diabetes. Traditionally, they hunted one or two whales a year. Captain Paul and the rest of the lying sacks of pus insisted that the tribe was allegedly going to can the whale meat for pet food or sell it to the Japanese - take your pick. Of course, far more whales die from whale watching boats each year than would from all of the requested native whale hunting permits.

Then, these pretentious racists showed up and suggested that the tribe offer whale watching tours and consider "sharing" their culture with outsiders - they were too bigoted to even realize that their very suggestions would destroy what is left of the tribal culture by not only continuing the ban on traditional whale hunting and bringing tourists onto the reservation at all hours of the day and night.

"Captain" Watson has fled numerous charges in different countries that relate to violent activities including efforts to sink various working boats. Altough he has never been licensed as a captain by any authority he uses the title.

Some of us suspect that during the off season he wears his bedsheets out to cross burnings.
Hey, I find Opposition Repo fascinating. On what other show can one find a tattooed and pierced S & M dominatrix dressed like Morticia Addams wandering around in prime time TV in front of the kiddies? Don't forget Matt who acts and looks like he's probably out on parole, and deadbeat Dad Froy who whines and snivels in front of the camera every time his dominatrix ex-wife wants to know when he's going to giver her the child support money.

I find that whenever I feel like I have failed in life and totally wasted my existence that watching Operation Repo, Steve Wilkos, or Jerry Springer makes me feel much better about myself - things could really, really, really be much worse.

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