would a feed store sell EE's as amerucauna?

If you're talking about Tractor supply, yep, they do it all the time. I just got "Ameraucanas" that are a mix of EEs, Ameraucanas, and even a few Araucanas. Last year they sold me a bunch of White Chanteclers as leghorns, that was a score on my part. lol I go in and look at their chicks, and try to ID them before I buy, because sometimes they have the rare ones and don't know it.
From my experience the feed stores label their chicks according to what the hatchery named them (which can be misleading) and I have learned to also not trust the feed store personnel when it comes to what breed is what. When I bought my first batch of 6 chicks from my local feed store, naive as I was, I believed the clerk when she told me they were all pullets and that I had 2 black Jersey Giants, 2 Ameraucanas and 2 New Hampshires. After about 2 months the black ones turned out to be Crevicouer roos, one of the New Hampshires turned out to be a Red Sex Link, and the ones she told me were Americaunas (which actually should have been called EE's because they were hatchery stock) turned out to be 2 Dark Cornish 1 of which was a roo. Needless to say, I don't think the clerk knew anything about chicken breeds and I also discovered that after their bins had been picked over the store was putting all their pullet and roo chicks into one single bin and claiming they were all pullets. When I went back to the store a few months later and told her what the chicks really were she looked at me like I was crazy and she insisted she was correct and I was wrong lol! She had no idea what an Easter Egger was to boot! I don't buy my chicks there anymore. Here is a link that will help clarify the difference between Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas and Araucanas. http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2011/09/ameraucana-easter-egger-or-araucana.html

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