Would A Silkie Roo Try To Mate With A BO or Brahma?

LOL see Frizzles of full sized cochins and yep, silkies. Silkies can totally get it done though I think I'd either die laughing or PAY to see one try a Jersey Giant hen. Spunky lil turds. Where there is a will an evil silkie will find a way.

And they're all evil...
I agree with the EVIL part. I can't get enough of them... Maybe I should give him a little step stool ...
LOL.... I have a banty faverolle that waits for the alpha roo to dismount and will hop on before the hen realizes the other guy is off and she should get up. And the alpha has just dismounted so his back is usually turned and he is still slightly "dazed"

So a silkie could manage if his top knot doesn't get in the way of being quick to sneak up...lol

Thanks for the tip! My Brahmas are the sweetest birds I have ever owned. If I sit in the grass, the jump right up in my lap. I was thinking of having them hatch some of their own eggs, so maybe that cross would be cute! These are just for pets so it would be interesting what would come out of it.. I am now curious!! Thanks again..
Roos will attempt to mate with any hen. They have no concept of size. My OEG bantam roo tried to mate with one of my standard RIR hens. It was hilarious watching him perched on her back, with the hen nonchalently strolling along, doing her regular pecking and scratching for food totally oblivious that he was there.

Of course, we did not expect fertile eggs from this encounter.
My Silkie roos have no problem mating with EEs, Barred Rocks, or RIR.
They have learned to ride with no handle bars...they let go of the hens head and hang to the back with their footies and YES they make the eggs fertile! I have about 9 teenage crosses left from last years last hatch. I will try to post some pics tomorrow. Very colorful collection.
They have been separated now...so no more crossing.

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