Would all the real Cornish Breeders Please stand up.

I have a young pair I bought at a show in December. The pullet just started to lay. She has two eggs out so far. Do I count as a "Cornish breeder"?
Here are a few pics of my dark Standards.



I really think the cornish breed deserves a thread I know theres more active breeders out there. Lets give them the respect they deserve and share our experiences with this wonderful breed.
I have Chanteclers and was looking for a source for Buff Cornish, but was told by an APA judge I'd have better luck finding a Dodo bird! Anyway, a member of Chantecler Fanciers supposedly found a flock of 60 or so Buff Cornish from an elderly breeder that passed away. I did get two Chantecler/Cornish cockerels from him, and an Ideal poultry Buff Cornish rooster (not really typey) and a very nice white-laced red Cornish hen. I love that hen!!!! I'm not sure how she'll work into my breeding program but I don't care -- I like her so much I am thinking of getting some more LF white-laced reds if anyone knows of a source.

So, I am not a breeder but count me in on the thread!!

BTW, are pure Cornish as good to eat as the ubiquitous Cornish cross?


Just got off the phone with MR. Cash I am getting some of his old bloodline Blue laced Reds from the original stock his grandfather used to Make the bantam blue laced red cornish breed with. I am also getting self blue bantam cornish Now I am supper exited

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