Would everyone please......

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cluck, cluck,squeak,buk, buk BUUUk
Just don't read the me, my chickens, and family threads that is where most of the prayer requests are located.

If you find a thread that offends you just don't read it.

If you don't want your kids reading about religion, well, I can't think of one positive comment to make on that so I'll just say nothing.

I've never seen anyone trying to convert anyone else on here, only asking for prayers.
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You are trying to be nice so this can be discussed, not debated.

When the rules reference "Reproductive" issues they indicate sexual content,
reproductive rights(the A word), and explicit issues. I've never heard this even
brought up.

Most members here are strong Christians. It is part of their personality and
character. I'm a Christian but will usually remain silent on it and stay away from the
prayer posts, unless I know the person. People who are outright athiests
pop into prayer threads and wish people the best.

I think you need to search within yourself to find what it is that really makes these
things bother you. As of now you are reminding me of that person who stands up
in the middle of a PTA meeting and ruins a class trip because it bothers your
Some of the threads here remind me of the time I was talking to a doctor when a woman came over and said "Doctor, thanks to our prayers, our lord has healed my mother." The doctor looked at her for a minute and said "Do you think the medicine and I had anything to do with it?"

Great reminder especially when I was standing in a Poultry barn at a fair saying this was moderator controlled and safe for families (of course common sense too) to use as a learning, language and question community for all ages.
I enjoy a off colored joke, a funny story, or even the humor between members, but its difficult to tell your kids- er- even elders what some things mean!!!
Thank you for keeping this sane!
You are trying to be nice so this can be discussed, not debated.

When the rules reference "Reproductive" issues they indicate sexual content,
reproductive rights(the A word), and explicit issues. I've never heard this even
brought up.

Most members here are strong Christians. It is part of their personality and
character. I'm a Christian but will usually remain silent on it and stay away from the
prayer posts, unless I know the person. People who are outright athiests
pop into prayer threads and wish people the best.

I think you need to search within yourself to find what it is that really makes these
things bother you. As of now you are reminding me of that person who stands up
in the middle of a PTA meeting and ruins a class trip because it bothers your

Thanks you for such a nice post. I appreciate your comments...and that many people on this forum are strong Christians. To them I say, fantastic. I admire your faith. But please realize that this is a forum about chickens and not a prayer circle forum.

I think I am more like the parent who stands up in the PTA meeting because the school board has just banned books on evolution and is about to make it compulsory that every child says the school prayer.

All I ask is that we have some balance.
Balance in what? The percentage of posts even remotely connected with religion are tiny compared to the ones that aren't.

Totally agree Katy!
I find this 1 of 3 of nicest places to find information especially for kids on the internet about raising chickens....

If someone doesn't care for the title of a posting do not click on the post or report to a Mod what you find offensive. Remember we were given the privilege to join this BYC forum and to follow rules set by Rob and the staff, even if we do have disagreements.

Edited for my typing errors
really its the keys stick!!
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If the school board banned a book on evolution I might stand up next to you, and my son
goes to a Catholic school. To me evolution is Creationalism, but that is a different issue

You have a simple choice with BYC, accept it's members and beliefs, or try another
chicken site. There are other forums out there. One of them is made up of mostly
people who don't care for the Christian influence here at BYC. BYC has been
a very open place and will continue to be. We even have a member who openly
worships the devil in an attempt to improve his Bantam's athletic performance.

Last thought. I'm not sure if you are raising your kids as athiests or some other
religeon but in todays secular world it's nice to have a place like BYC to come to.
I'm sure your intent is not to take that away from people.
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