Would like an opinion to hen or rooster and breed please 4 weeks old

as stated in your other thread about this bird, that isn't a leghorn roo. i am 100% certain. i have them. at 4.5 weeks, it would be very obvious. it may be a white rock roo, but if it's leghorn, it's a pullet.
There was another thread about the same bird?

I don't have leghorns:( That's awesome that you can tell so early on because of your experience with them...I'm glad Im wrong!
here is someone questioning a leghorn - - notice the comb/wattles. AND i'm not even certain that's a roo - - mainly due to the OP not knowing the age of the bird (3 - 6 weeks).

just reiterating, if yours is a leghorn, it's a pullet. however, unlike most others, i'm not sure it's a leghorn.

**edit to add the link (haha):

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There was another thread about the same bird?

I don't have leghorns:( That's awesome that you can tell so early on because of your experience with them...I'm glad Im wrong!

it isn't just me. if you've had leghorns, you know. in fact, if you question the sex it's because a pullet has developed their signature large comb early. the lack of a comb means only one thing in a leghorn (a pullet!) - - and this starts literally within days of hatching - - maybe 7 - 10 days (someone correct on that if i've mistaken - - i have daily pictures of mine somewhere but can't find them).

This is a pic of two 3 to 6 week old Leghorns. (Brown male, White female.) I don't remember exact age but they were still very young.
Probably closer to 5 - 6 weeks. They are all feathered out. That would be later than 3 weeks, right?

Leghorn's feather fast but yeah like I said I don't remember exact age but I think it was taken at 5 weeks.
yep. a good example of the difference. very noticeable. this starts earlier than the age in this pic - - i've had leghorn roos start developing their comb while developing their wing feathers - - again, i'd say maybe a week (ish) - - you definitely know by 4 weeks.
I am so loving the feed back ........... thank you .......... and learning lots along the way ...... my 11 year old is learning too .......... thanks I will post more photos in a week from the last ...........

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