Would like an opinion to hen or rooster and breed please 4 weeks old

This makes a lot of sense. Could be a roo, could be a leghorn, but can not be both at the same time.

If it is a white rock, I'd say roo. If it was a leghorn, I would say pullet.
Hrm... I would say roo because of how the shoulders are feathering out. Hard to tell the breed at this stage, but I agree that it's most likely a Plymouth Rock

4 and ahalf weeks old .............
4.5 weeks is early for me to guess but I'm going to take a stab at it and say rooster because of the long, "thick" legs, upright body stance, and the relatively well developed comb.
Looks like a leghorn no idea on the sex i have 5 that look about the samething at that age so whatever yours is sex wise im pretty sure mine are to good luck.
cheers ..............

my 11 year old think its a leghorn after researching the web ......... I would like to keep Little Nando ....... at what age do you know for sure ??

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