Would like help on how to safely band chicks with zip/cable ties.

I may give the tiny hairbands a go. If I remember to pick some up while in town. I will observe them closely afterwards though.
Ok, here is my little Willie, Salmon Favorelle roo with his blue band. His brother Waylon is purple banded. There are some of the bands under him. I have never had one come off with out me removing it, but with some of the things my chickens have eaten, I probably wouldn't worry too much about a little rubberband. Hope this helps.

Do you know what size your small bands are? 7.5mm or 9mm?

Has anyone used the 1/4 inch (6.4mm) orthodontic bands or are those too small to bother with?
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we use zip ties weekly to identify chicks we hatch, just make sure its not loose enough to pull off and your fine. If your going to keep zips on forever you will just have to keep an eye and change it out as they grow.
Going to see if posting on this old thread, since it's related, gets a response before starting a new thread.

Where should the leg band go on a cockerel or rooster? Above or below the spur?

Still using the zip ties. Have a few boys that are starting to get their spurs, just larger bumps (about like mosquito bites) for the moment. Don't want to hurt them by putting the band in the wrong place once they are fully grown.

Switched to just white for the band color and slip a colored pony bead on each one. I was having difficulties finding the multi-colored zip ties. It has worked well. I can now do the banding by myself without help, so I can do small batches at a time and it isn't as overwhelming. Have to change them every 2-3 weeks still. They just hit another growth spurt. Also have my turkey poults banded, looks like with their current growth rate I am going to have to change them every 1-2 weeks.

The pony beads added to different colored zip ties also means more combinations. Just a suggestion when putting a new band on, get it started through the bead and secured around the leg loosely before cutting the old band. I've dropped a few beads in the coop/run and had to fight to get them back from the birds. Was concerned about the beads getting swallowed.
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