Would like to raise a quail from egg as a pet, have quite a few questions!


In the Brooder
Jan 3, 2018
i have always wanted to raise a quail from an egg as a pet
I have a few questions:
What is the friendliest type of quail
How long does it take for a quail to hatch
How do you care for a quail chick
If I raised a quail from an egg and spent lots of time with it would it be friendly
I have a 2.5m by 1.5m cage what would be the best quail to have in there
Coturnix quail are docile and sweet, especially the females. It would be cruel, and a lot of work to raise just one chick so you'll need to raise a few and have a plan for extra boys. As long as you spend lots of time with them they'll be friendly, some more than others but they all have their individual personalities. My girls sometimes fall out of their elevated cage when I open the door because they are so nosy and they like to stand in the way when you are trying to clean them out.

They can be a bit smelly but fermenting their food helps with the smell, as does ensuring their water doesn't leak. But if you'll be keeping them outdoors it won't be such an issue.

Quail chicks need a brooder with something non slip on the bottom. Initially have food scattered everywhere so wherever they peck they'll find food. And marbles in the water are essential. They can drown very easily.

You will love them! Enjoy the baby stage because they grow so fast!
You need constant heat in the brooder like a light when they are very young.
On my first batch I had a heater that turned off and on to regulate temp.I lost a couple and would have lost several more but I changed to a light and all survived.
I also recommend coturnix though I do know that some people raise button quail as more of an indoor pet, even keeping them in an aquarium with pine shavings would be possible.

with the cage size that you have, you could raise a few quail together. just make sure that they don't fit through the openings (including when they are babies)

baby quail chicks are able to take care of themselves when they hatch (like a chicken) so just give them some warmth, food, and water, and they'll be fine.

you can play with any quail at any age, and they'll soon get used to you. however, starting with babies would be fine. just be cautious about handling them when they are very young since they can be so fragile.
I have hatched out about 250-300 quail in 2 months. I actually have 53 in lockdown in the incubator. They are very easy to hatch and very sweet birds. They are easy to care for.
For the brooder i put a towel down for good traction and then after a few days to a week i will switch to pine shavings.
I do not use a heat lamp for any of my babies, quail, chicken or ducks. I use a heating pad cave mine is modified a bit the link is below.
I then at about a week and a half to 2 weeks old i move them into a XXXL dog cage with chicken wire or hardwire cloth about 10 inc from the bottom up, keeps them in and the pine shavings. I keep them in the inside of my chicken coop( it is a shed, half is for storage and brooding).
Depending of temps i will then put them in the jump pins at about 3-4 weeks of age.
I give them 30% protein while babys and then switch to 22-24%(what ever i can fine at the time) when older.
I have hatched out about 250-300 quail in 2 months. I actually have 53 in lockdown in the incubator. They are very easy to hatch and very sweet birds. They are easy to care for.
For the brooder i put a towel down for good traction and then after a few days to a week i will switch to pine shavings.
I do not use a heat lamp for any of my babies, quail, chicken or ducks. I use a heating pad cave mine is modified a bit the link is below.
I then at about a week and a half to 2 weeks old i move them into a XXXL dog cage with chicken wire or hardwire cloth about 10 inc from the bottom up, keeps them in and the pine shavings. I keep them in the inside of my chicken coop( it is a shed, half is for storage and brooding).
Depending of temps i will then put them in the jump pins at about 3-4 weeks of age.
I give them 30% protein while babys and then switch to 22-24%(what ever i can fine at the time) when older.
How do you get them to use the MHP? I've tried twice, tucking them under at night and when I wake up in the morning i have little tiny bodies strewn around the brooder looking like road kill that I have to warm back to life. One experience of that with each batch and I moved to a heat lamp turning my back porch into a red light district. LOL

My chicken babies had no trouble learning where to go for heat, the quail don't seem to get it.
Corturnix quail are the friendliest, but you should get a pair. They take 16-18 days to hatch and only need 1-2 square feet of space per bird. It takes them 6-9 weeks to reach maturity and they live for 2-4 years.

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