Would Someone Call Jack Frost?

It has been extremely hot and dry all summer.
I'm very close to Southern28chick, so I'll be having another
90 degree day tomorrow.
We actually broke a record for # of days above 90,
I think the record (set years ago) was 72 days, and we
should be somewhere around day #85.
It was so warm on Friday I took a nap outside in the sun. LOVE IT!

Today was cool and breezy, and more of the same coming up, along with rain. Our one sunny day is only supposed to be in the fifties!

As far as I'm concerned, Jack Frost can stay away for another 2mo (I like snow and cold from Christmas to New Year's.. that's IT)

I am WAY up in Michigan and it was 87 and humid here all weekend -supposed to be today too.

WHEW am I glad I procrastinated taking the air conditioner out of the window.

Its supposed to be high of 57 on Wednesday, thats what would be normal for this time of year.

Looks like its gonna be one of those years I go straight from running the air all day to throwing logs in the woodstove.......crazy
Talk about crazy.............closing down the Chicago Marathon? 300 treated for heat exhaustion, 1 death? In October??

I'm beginning to feel like we are all in some B-rated sci-fi movie of the future. Unfortunately, its real.
I'm in Winston Salem,NC and wondering the same thing!!!!!! I did find an ALL BLACK wooly worm(all black .... supposedly signifies a terrible winter) yesterday. It was dead.... probably thought the summer and fall were bad enough and couldn't stand something else terrible. I'm all for a foot of snow. We're due!
86 degrees for today on the east coast of NJ. Yuck. I'm not used to this. It should be in the 60's.

I learned one thing tho, never put your summer clothes away, that's a sure sign that the heat will stay! It's the same thing when you have to go to the Dr.'s - always bring a book, and you don't wait long, forget your book, and you're there for an hour and half!
i'm in central ohio, its been HOT. record setting days sat/sun and probably today. they claim that tomorrow the rain will bring in a cold front. i'm fine with a cool front.
last october 6 one of our alpacas was born, it was so cold we had to put a down jacket on her at night this year its 90. crazy.

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